Chapter 12: I Love Her

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Levi POV:

The rain still hasn't let up, as it is becoming later into the afternoon, I have been in my office all day doing paperwork, and (Y/n) has been laying on my couch, reading books. Her mood today has been a little off, she normally isn't in a good mood anyway, but today, her mood seems to be even darker. I know she isn't okay, but I won't push her to talk.

It's driving me crazy, to not know what is wrong with her. She is like me though, she won't tell anyone what she is feeling. I sighed and set my pen down, shaking the thoughts out of my head as I massage my aching hand. I have already gotten through most of my paperwork, but I still have a lot to go. I suddenly hear a soft 'thud' and I look over to where, (Y/n) is. Her book has fallen to the floor, and her arm is dangling off the side of the couch.

I quietly stand up, and pick up the book. I glance over to her, and notice she has fallen asleep. I book the book away, and walk into my bedroom that is connected to my office. I open my wardrobe and grab an extra blanket from it. I quietly, close my bedroom door behind me as I walk out. I reach the couch where she is sleeping, and gently place the blanket on top of her, tucking her in. I carefully lift her arm, that is dangling off the couch and place it on her stomach. I grab my green cloak off of my chair, and fold it carefully, and place it under her head. My movements being careful as to not wake her.

I crouch beside the couch, and look at her for a moment. I reach my hand up and tuck a few strands of her (h/l), (h/c) hair behind her ear, so it's no longer in her face. 'God she is beautiful' I think to myself. I then quietly walk back to my desk, and continue to finish my paperwork, occasionally glancing over to her, to make sure she is still peacefully sleeping.

A couple hours later, I put the last piece of paper into my completed pile, and stretch as I stand up. I check on (Y/n), before quietly making me way out of my office, and down to the mess hall. I could hear everyone already chattering, as I enter. I simply grab a plate of food, and go to sit at the table, that is reserved for all of the higher ups. I sit between Mike, and Hanji, and began to eat my food. "Hey Levi!" The overly joyful brunette greets me, I just click my tongue and continue to eat "Where have you been all day? And most importantly where is (Y/n) been? I haven't seen her since breakfast, and even then she didn't look like her normal self."

"She is fine, she has been in my office all day, and right now she is sleeping. So don't get any ideas four eyes." I scoffed.

"She is in your office sleeping?! OOooh, I understand." She smiles even wider than before, and gets a weird look in her eyes "Is that because you two are in love?" she then elbows me.

"We are not in love, She just didn't want to be bothered today, so I let her hang out in my office. so shut the fuck up Hanji."

"Aww, but Levi you usually don't let anyone hang out in your office as they are 'too annoying'."

"Tch, she annoys me the least, and I didn't want to have to break up a fight later. The mood she has been in today, I guessed she would have killed someone, if I didn't have her hang in my office." Hanji proceeds to giggle, and say something about me being in love with the brat. I just zone her out, as Erwin clears his throat. I lift my eyes, to meet his bright blue ones. "Squad leaders pay attention, in a few months from now I plan on having an expedition to retake wall Maria. I want you to be training your squads to be the best they can be, as I expect this mission to be extremely difficult. I believe the Armored, and Colossal will be there, so be prepared. Hanji, I need you to work with Eren on his hardening abilities, so he is ready."

"Yes, sir." Hanji states "I will have a meeting with you all, once I have the plans all laid out, as well as the route, and formation." everyone saluted, but me and we all cleared out. Before I left the mess hall, I grabbed some food for (Y/n) when she wakes up, as well as a tea for me. Once I had made my way back upstairs, and into my office. I saw that she was still sleeping soundly, her position had changed, and the blanket came partially off, but she was still sleeping.

I set the food, and my tea on my desk, and walked over to pull the blanket back over her body. Making sure she was covered, I sat at my desk to sip my tea, as I watched her sleep for awhile. I began to think about what Hanji had been saying, 'Maybe I do love her.' I thought. Hanji being nosy, when I had first brought (Y/n) here, she could tell that I acted different when (Y/n) was around. Four-eyes had started telling me, that I loved her, and I showed it in the way I acted, and spoke to (Y/n).

Now I think I understand what she was saying, I don't like it when (Y/n) isn't near me or I can't see her. When we get separated on missions, I have this fear that I'll never see her again. She is also just so beautiful, her (e/c) eyes are just so bright, I could get lost in them. I can pretty much always tell what she is thinking, by looking into her eyes. Her soft-looking lips, just look so soft, I often wonder what it would be like to kiss them.

My thoughts of her are interrupted, as I hear her mumbling something. "N-no..." She barely whispers, but I can hear it. Her body begins to move more "S-stop....", I stand up and make my way over to her, as she begins to speak louder.

"Help! Stop!" She starts to scream, I quickly run to her side, and hold her hand. I brush some strands of hair from her face, and caress her cheek "Shhh, It's okay. I am here (Y/n).". She jolts awake, screaming. "(Y/n)! You are okay! I am right here!" She turns her gaze to meet mine. I can see the tears streaming down her face, and her (e/c) eyes are filled with fear. I reach my hand towards her face, and she tenses a little before relaxing. I gently wipe her tears away, "It's okay (Y/n), you are safe." I stare into her eyes, hoping she can read them. I am keeping my eyes calm, and my body movements slow and gentle.

She then launches herself into my arms, and starts sobbing into my chest. I place on hand on her back, slowly rubbing small circles with my thumb, as my other hand combs through her (h/l), (h/c) hair as I know this usually calms her down. My heart aches at hearing her sobs, and I wish there was something I could do to take her pain away, but for now I will just hold her as she cries. I gently lifted her up, and carried her into my bedroom. I sit on my bed, and cradle her in my lap. Her sobs have started to calm down, to just simple sniffles. I lift my hand, and wipe away her tears. Her eyes are swollen from crying, and her cheeks are slightly stained from the tears, but even in this moment, she is the most beautiful woman, I have ever laid my eyes on.

We sat there for a long time, I rocked her gently, and soon enough, her breaths became deeper, and her body became still. I look down to see she has fallen asleep again, I shift our position and lay us on my bed. I pull the covers over us, and pull her closer to me. We are laying on our sides facing each other, and I can clearly see her face. Instead of her eyebrows, being furrowed, and her eyes being held tightly closed, she is relaxed.  I caress her cheek with my thumb once again, and place a light kiss on her forehead, and then I realized 'I love her'. I pulled her closer, as if I was afraid she would disappear, and closed my eyes, loving the feeling of us sleeping cuddled like this again. A small smile comes to my lips, at the thought. Before I fell into a deep sleep I whispered to her "Goodnight (Y/n), I love you.". 

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