Chapter 24: Scars and Beauty

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(Y/n) POV:

The next morning, I got up pretty early, and got ready. I didn't bother to put my ODM straps on, as I am sure I wouldn't be using the gear again for awhile. Levi helped me downstairs, and walked with me into the mess hall. I sat down at my usual table, with my friends. "(Y/n)! You're back!" Armin screeched. "Yeah, I am Coconut." I gave him a small, yet sad smile.

"I'm glad to see you walking around again." Eren piped in. "Yeah, although I am still struggling to walk, but it's getting better."

"Glad you are okay and all, but what is with you and the Captain? Are y'all a couple now?" Jean smirked. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. "N-no." I whispered, heat rising to my cheeks. The others giggled and laughed, until Armin asked if I was going to start training again soon. "Yeah, Hanji is having me do an hour of light training today." I replied. "That's great! I bet you'll be back to your full strength soon!" Armin cheered.

Breakfast was over shortly after that, and I walked out of the mess hall, and onto the training field. I sat on the grass while waiting for Hanji to arrive. I drummed my fingers on my thigh, while waiting, drifting into my thoughts. 'What if I'll never be able to fight titans again.'

'What if I can't even do light training.' The thoughts ran through my mind, until someone spoke. "Oi, what are you nervous about?" His deep stoic voice rang out. "Nothing." I replied, he sighed and stood next to me. "You will get better, shit you already are better. You'll be able to fight and train normally soon."

"How do you know? What if I can never get back to my full strength."

"You will, I promise. (Y/n) you are strong, and even stronger than when I knew you back then. You'll be just fine." I hummed as a response, and sat there a little longer. "(Y/n)! You ready?!" Hanji's loud, cheery voice rang out. Making me jump a little bit, but I relaxed pretty quickly. Reminding myself that it's just Hanji.

"Okay (Y/n), I want you to do a few stretches first." I nodded and began to stretch my limbs, it hurt but not unbearable. After I finished, she wanted me to do a few crunches, squats, and push-ups. "You are doing good! Do you hurt anywhere?" She asked after I finished, "Yeah my body is hurting a little bit, but I think it's just because I haven't really done anything but sit around for awhile." I shrugged. "Okay, do you think you can run a few laps?"

"I'm not sure, my balance is still off."

"Would it help if someone ran beside you, just in case?"

"Yeah, I think that'll make me feel better."

"Okay. Shorty! Get over here and run with your girlfriend!" She yelled, and Levi shot her a death glare. "Shut up, shitty glasses" He scoffed, walking towards us. Hanji giggled. "Okay now you two run for a bit. (Y/n) stop when you are hurting too badly." I nodded, and Levi and I started running.

"Thanks, Levi." I hummed "You're welcome, brat."  I giggled a little bit, and we continued to run. Well Levi ran, I waddle-ran like a duck. Trying to find a new way to balance, and run like a normal person. Levi kept trying to give me pointers, but he couldn't do much, since he still has his pinky toes.

After about 30 minutes of running, The pain throughout my body became too much, and my legs gave out. Before I could smack my face in the dirt Levi, wrapped his arm around my waist. "You okay?" I could hear the worry laced in his voice. "Y-yeah, my body hurts, really badly."

"Okay, than that is enough for today." I nodded, as Levi picked me up bridal-style. "You okay (Y/n)?!" Hanji screamed rushing over to us "She hurts, I think she over did it."

"That's possible, but I know she is strong, so I figured she didn't need baby training."

"Hanji, I haven't really done a whole lot in weeks, besides the fact I still have healing cuts, bruises, and more." I glared at her. "I'm sorry (Y/n), take a few days off, and let me know when you are ready to train some more." I nodded at her, as we entered HQ. Levi carried me up to his office, and set me on his bed. He then went into his bathroom, and I could hear the water running.

'He must be making me a bath.' I thought, he did the quite often for me now. I could easily bathe, and shower myself, but he insists on helping me. "Bath is ready, what do you want to change into afterwards?" He asked rummaging through my drawers, that are in his room. "Just a t-shirt and sweats." He nodded grabbing the items, and putting them into the bathroom.

He then came over and picked me up, placing me gently on the floor next to the tub. He turned around as I got undressed, and covered myself. He then picked me up again and placed me in the tub, helping me clean myself, though he wouldn't dare get near my privates. I silently thanked him for that. Once I was clean, and dry, he picked me up and sat me down on his bed.

He got some new bandages, and ointment, and began to tend to my healing scars. Most of my cuts were scabs now, still healing. The bigger cuts, still had a long ways to go, but they weren't as bad as before. I hated seeing them, they were ugly, and I was going to be covered in the scars from them. It made me feel ugly, and less of a person.

Levi took notice of this, and cupped my cheeks in his hands. "What is wrong?" I didn't look up to meet his stare. Just kept looking down, I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. "I-I am ugly now, because of these stupid cuts. They'll be on my body for the rest of my life. I hate them."

"(Y/n). Look at me." I did as he said, my (e/c) eyes, meeting his silver ones. His eyes had so many different emotions in them, I couldn't quite understand what he was feeling. "You are beautiful. Cuts, bruises, and scars won't ever change that."


"No buts, I love you with or without scars." Before I could say anything else, he kissed me. Our lips moving in-sync with one another. The kiss was full of love, and care. I ran my fingers through is raven locks, pulling him closer. As his arms, wrapped around my waist. His tongue lightly licked my bottom lip, asking for entry. I granted it, our tongues fought for dominance, but no surprise Levi won. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth, claiming it as his.

We soon parted, needing air. "I love you, Brat and I always will." He whispered "I love you too, Levi."

"You hungry? Lunch will be ready soon." I nodded, and he gave me his hand and helped me walk me to the mess hall. My mind filled with the thought 'Levi loves me, and doesn't think I am ugly with my scars. I am beautiful in his eyes.' and with that, the rest of the day went by rather quickly.

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