Chapter 30: Happily Ever After

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(Y/n) POV:

3 Years Later

"Wow (Y/n), you look stunning!" Hanji gleamed "Thank you." I smiled to her. "Stay still!" Sasha screamed at me, as she finished doing my hair. "Sorry." I mumbled. After a few more minutes, she finished. "All done, take a look." She smiled pointing towards a mirror.

I walked over to it, and stared at my reflection. My (h/l), (h/c) hair was in a braided bun updo, I had on light makeup, small silver studs in my ears, my bright silver wing necklace hanging on my chest, a long, flowy, white gown. It had small beads, and jewels scattered everywhere. It was strapless and had a sweethearts neckline. On my feet were close-toed white pumps, I looked ready to walk down the aisle.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. "Don't cry! You makeup will run!" Hanji exclaimed, she then began to fan my face, so the makeup wouldn't get ruined. "S-sorry, I-I just wasn't ready for how beautiful I l-look." I choked between sobs. "Oh (Y/n)! You have always been beautiful! When Levi sees you walk down the aisle he is sure to cry!" Sasha said while hugging me.

After a few minutes we were ready, and lined up to walk down the aisle. I watched as Hanji walked with her arm in Eren's. "You ready?" Armin smiled to me, giving me his arm. "Yeah, I am." I smiled. The 'Here come the bride' started playing as Armin walked me down the aisle, my (e/c) eyes, meeting silver ones. I could see the sparkle in them as he was trying to stop himself from crying. His black tux making him look more handsome that he already was.

I smiled at him, and Armin let him walk me the rest of the way. "You look so fucking beautiful." Levi whispered "Thank you." I responded as the Priest began to read the marriage requirements out. "Do you, Levi Ackerman, take (Y/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked "I do." Levi deep voice rang, and my heart raced.

"Do you, (Y/n) (L/n) take Levi Ackerman to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride." Levi wrapped his arms around my waist, as mine snaked around his neck, as we kissed each other passionately. The whole church erupted in cheers, and sobs. We then walked hand in hand back down the aisle and outside.

It's hard to believe just after 3 years, we have finally defeated all of our enemies, and no longer have to hide behind walls. Titans are no more, and Levi and I are now officially husband and wife. 

--5 Years Later--

 I sat on the warm sand of the beach, the waves splashing all around me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose, the salty air relaxing me. "Mommy!" I heard, I opened my eyes watching a little girl running towards me. She had shoulder length raven black hair, (e/c) eyes, full of wonder and happiness. Her light pale skin glowed in the sunlight, her white flowery dress flowing all around her.

"Did you find something Rosaline?" I smiled to her, as she crashed into my arms. "Yes! Look!" She held out her hands, and laid in them was a beautiful ice blue shell. "It's beautiful honey." I said while looking at it. Shortly after Levi and I married, we built a house near the ocean, and I gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Rosaline.

Rosaline, is 4 years old now. She is a mix of Levi and I both, and she loves to explore and collect shells. "Brat! Don't run like that, you'll fall and get hurt!" Levi's deep voice rang out. "I'll be fine daddy!" She smiled at him. "The sand won't hurt her." I said to the stoic man.

"Tch, fine." Rosaline and I giggled at him. "Mommy, can I go play with Carter?" Rosaline asked "Yes dear." I replied. Carter was Mikasa, and Eren's son, he was the same age as Rosaline, and have become very close friends.

Levi sat next to me on the beach "It's hard to believe we are finally free." I hummed "Yeah, and I am glad we are."

"Met too." He kissed me gently, while putting his arm around my shoulders. "How's the little one?" He asked, looking at my stomach. "He is moving around a lot today." I smiled and put my hands on my big belly, I am currently 7 months pregnant with our second child. "I am pretty sure it's going to be a boy." I chuckled. "How do you know?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It feels different, than when I was pregnant with Rosaline. This baby moves around more, and sits higher up, than Rosaline did."

"I will never understand how you women know, but I will go with your guess. What are we going to name him?"

"I was thinking Erwin."

"I like that. Erwin Ackerman." Levi then kissed my forehead, as we watched the waves roll in the ocean. After so many losses, and so many years of fighting. So many years of sadness and fear, we are finally having our happily ever after. "You ready to go home, Mrs. Ackerman?" Levi asked standing up. "Yes dear." I chuckled, and he helped me up. After collecting Rosaline, the three and a half of us began walking back to our home. I couldn't be happier now that I have married the man I love, and have our daughter, and in a few months our son as well.

After all those years stuck in darkness, Levi had been my guiding light. He saved me from the dark, and I couldn't be more grateful of him for that.

A/n: This is it! I know kind of a bad ending, but I hoped you enjoyed! The picture above is what Levi looks like holding Rosaline, It's too cute! I will be writing another Levi x Reader soon, so keep checking my page for it!

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