Chapter 5: Farlan, Isabel, and The Knife

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Levi POV:

After (Y/n) and I fought in the library, I made her follow me to my office. I opened the door and walked in, her following and closing the door. "So what do you want captain short ass?" she spit at me. I just ignored her and sat in my chair, behind my desk. "You listening to me?" she was starting to get annoyed, but I didn't care, as I opened the bottom left drawer, and pulled out a box. I basically threw the box onto the desk. "Here brat." I scoffed.

She rolled her eyes, and walked over opening the box. Her (e/c) eyes opened a little wider, she then met my eyes "Why are you giving this back to me?" she said holding her knife in her hands.

"Tch, I figured you might want it back." she nodded, and put it in her waistband.


Farlan, Isabel, (Y/n), and I were all in the markets of the underground, looking for something to steal, and sell for profit. I walked by a knife, and swords stand, when something caught my eye. I stopped and pick up the knife, the blade was strong, sharp, and a little long, it had a wooden handle, and on the hilt were jewels. I was sure they were fake, but I thought about (Y/n). The knife she was currently using, was so broken, that it gave her splinters, and she could no longer sharpen it. The jewels were a array of colors, the largest one being (F/c). I looked at the man, "How much?" I scoffed at him, and he grinned "250 dollars", I glared daggers at him, but I had the money, and I bought the knife.

(Y/n)'s birthday was in a few days, and I knew she would like the knife. I walked up to Isabel, and poked her shoulder "Levi bro! That was rude!", I just 'tched, and asked my question showing her the knife, "How should I wrap this for (Y/n)?" she squealed, and I smacked her shoulder. "Ow, that hurt, but anyway, I think I saw a really pretty wooden box, on a stand. Let me go snatch it and see what you think." and with that she ran off.

After a little while, she came back to me, and handed me the wooden box. It had a lot of different engravings on it, fake gold latch and hinges. I almost felt a small smile come on my face, but I hid it. "It's perfect." I muttered. I hid the knife in the box, and went back to meet with the others, and head back to our house. I entered my room, saying I didn't want to be bothered. I sat on my mattress, and opened the box. I took the knife I got for her out, and pulled out my knife, I carefully carved her name on one side of the handle, and my name on the other side. After I was done, I put the knife back in the box, and hid it in my closet.


The next few days went by fine, and it was (Y/n)'s 18th birthday. We spent most of the day, hanging out, and flying around on the ODM gear. Once we got back, I called (Y/n) to my room. I got the box out from my closet and handed it to her. She was confused but accepted the box, when she opened it her eyes widened, and she smiled looking back up at me, a smile I no longer see "Levi, it's beautiful!". I could feel my heart race, I reached my hand up and ruffled her hair "Happy birthday, brat.".

--End of Flashback--

She was about to leave my office after putting her knife away, but she stopped and quietly whispered "Where is Farlan, and Isabel?". I sighed "They're dead" I saw her body tense, and she nodded her head leaving my office. I put my head in my hands "I'm sorry (Y/n)." the words left my mouth, barely audible, but they were there. I was sorry for leaving her in the underground, I was sorry Isabel and Farlan died, I was sorry I no longer saw her smiling face, and I was sorry for falling in love with her back then. I don't know what happened to her after Isabel, Farlan, and I left her there, but she was different now, and I couldn't blame her.

I never told her about the job, that was thrown at us, and I didn't want her to help. I knew the job would be dangerous, so I asked Isabel, and Farlan to not say a thing to her about it. We left the underground shortly after, not saying goodbye to her. I know she hated me for it, but I don't regret my decision. If she had come with us, she might be dead right now, with them. I couldn't bare the thought of loosing her.

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