Chapter 7: Small Expedition

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(Y/n) POV:

My eyes shot open, the results of yet another nightmare. I looked out my window, the sun was just beginning to rise, the orange glow from it made the sky look purple. I watched it rise for a bit longer, damn I don't think I will ever get used to how pretty the sky is in the mornings. I have been here one month already. I had gotten to know Eren, and the others pretty well. Hanji had become my best friend although I wouldn't tell her. They were all my friends, but they still couldn't make me smile. I never smiled anymore, just kept my usual frown.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep I got up, and grabbed my neatly folded uniform, as I made my way to the women's bathroom to shower. Today would be my first expedition, it was going to be a simple one. Just setting up a supply base between wall Rose, and wall Maria, so we could eventually make our way to Shiganshina, so we could find out the secret in Eren's basement.

I finished my shower, got dressed, and put my sleeping clothes back in my room. I looked out my window, and the sky was now orange and yellow. I sighed knowing no one would be up yet, and breakfast wouldn't be ready for another hour. I grabbed my saddle bag and began to pack it. I put my filled canister of water in it, some bandages, some disinfectant, and a few snacks I had stolen from the kitchen the night before.

I threw the bag over my shoulder and made my way to the stables. I threw the saddle bag over the stall door and greeted my horse. She was an all white mare, with blue eyes. No one else had been able to get close to her but me. "Good morning, (H/n)." I said to her, she huffed, and came over to me. I stroked her face, and she snuggled me. I then fed her, and got my saddle, saddle pad, and bridle. I set it near her stall, and I looked outside. The sun now had shown its full self, and I made my way to the dinning hall, after saying goodbye to (H/n).

I entered the dinning hall, and noticed a lot of people were already there. They all had gloomy looks on their faces, knowing what lay beyond the walls. I grabbed my plate, and a cup of coffee and made my way over to my table with my friends. "Good morning (Y/n)!" Eren greeted as I sat down, I just nodded to him, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Are you nervous about your first trip outside the walls?"


"How? You've never seen a titan before, so how are you not at least a little nervous?" Armin asked how voice shaky.

"I grew up in the underground, I doubt the titans are as scary as some of the people down there." I shrugged, taking a bite of my toast.

"I guess that makes sense. Since you grew up there, did you meet Captain Levi there? You two seem to have history." Horse face piped in. My (E/c) eyes, seemed to have grown darker, and I clenched my fork in my hand, tightly, my knuckles turning white. "(Y/n) calm down, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories if I did." Jean quickly said, and I relaxed. "Yes, I met Levi down there, but we never interacted with one another." I stated blankly, I had lied to them, but I didn't want to think about that short fuck.

Sasha changed the subject, thankfully, and we all continued breakfast, the others talked while I listened. After we all finished, we headed to our rooms, to put on our ODM gear, and headed to the barn. I was tacking up (H/n), as Eren walked by "Hey, I know horse face is an idiot, but I hope he didn't bring up any painful memories." he smiled, as I continued tightening my saddle. "No, he didn't." I lied, but Eren could tell, that I didn't want to talk further on the subject "Okay, anyway. We are all starting to line up outside." and with that he walked away, I sighed and finished tacking up, securing my saddle bags, behind my saddle.

After walking outside, I mounted my mare, and rode her over to the others. "Listen up!" Erwin yelled, bringing us all to attention. "Today is a simple expedition, we are simply going to ride out to a forest that is located south-east between wall Rose, and Maria. We are going to be setting up, a supply base. Hanji's, Levi's, and Mike's squads will be patrolling the area, as the rest of us will be building the supply base. You all know this already, but I just simply wanted to make sure you all understood, now let's ride to Krolva district's gate!" everyone saluted, but I just gave a half-assed one.

We were now infront of the gate, as it opened. Once it did Erwin yelled once more "All scouts move out!" and with that we all kicked forward. The only sound was that of horses' hooves, and gas from ODM gear, as the teams on the outside took out titans, that stood in the old abandoned town. "Take formation!" Eyebrows yelled and we scattered into formation, Levi was riding ahead on his black stallion, I was behind him, with Eren, and Mikasa on either side of me. Jean, Sasha, Connie, and Armin were all riding behind us. "Captain! Red smoke signal to our right!" Armin yelled.

"(L/n) pass it on." he ordered, I rolled my eyes and shot off another red flare, several more shooting off, and then a green one, telling us to change direction. We rode in the new direction for awhile, until we reached the forest. Our squad and Hanji's squad stopped at the edge of the forest, as some scouts, took the horses and tied them a little further in. We all stood on different branches, high enough that the titans couldn't grab us.

We stood there killing titans, keeping them from entering the forest. I noticed an abnormal, and three other titans heading our way. Before anyone could follow, and before Levi could say any orders, I shot off towards the titans. I killed the two 10 meters that were closest, before shooting towards an 8 meter. "Ugly bastards." I scoffed, as the titan reached out trying to grab me, I spun and sliced all it's fingers off, before slicing all the way down it's arm, and slicing it's nape. The abnormal, had noticed me by now, and came running towards me, it ran on all fours and had a creepy grin on it's face. I heard ODM gear near me, as Levi, Mikasa, and Eren shot towards the abnormal. Eren sliced it's ankles slowing it down, while Mikasa blinded it, and Levi went for the kill. After the abnormal was killed, they all landed next to me "(Y/n) are you okay?" Eren asked.

"Yes, I am fine." my voice was cold, as I answered, Levi came up to me his silver eyes, glaring into mine. "That was stupid." he spat, "So? Not like you care.".

"Tch, fine get yourself killed. We will be talking more about this when we get back to HQ, for now retreat back to to forest." he then took off on ODM gear, my eyes shooting daggers at his back as I followed. "(Y/n) I am surprised you can talk to the captain that way and, get away with it!" Eren yelled.

"I am glad you have the balls, (Y/n)." Mikasa congratulated me, in her monotone voice.

"Thanks, but Captain shorty, just acts like he is tough." I said, the other two looked at me with surprise as we landed on a branch, near Levi. We continued to kill more, as the sun began to set. Out of the trees we saw a yellow smoke signal, telling us that the mission had been successful, and to head back. We jumped down from the trees, and got on our horses while waiting for Erwin. Once we met up with him, we collected dead bodies, refilled our gear, and made our ride back to the wall.

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