Chapter 21: The Rescue

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Levi POV:

Here we are again, back in the underground. Outside of a run down bar, that Don Acland is using to torture (Y/n). It is in a very secluded area of the underground. Knowing Don this is the kind of place he would use.

Don is well known for his murders, and torturing people, just for the fun of it. I don't know what reason he has for kidnapping and torturing (Y/n), but I don't care. All I know is that he has hurt her, badly. Now he must pay the price for hurting someone close to me, someone I love most in this world. "You ready runt?" Kenny whispers. I nod, and we quietly enter the building. We take out the first two people that are standing guard, without making any sound.

We sneak around the bar, taking out more of Don's people. "She is in the basement, through that door. Careful, he has quite a few men down there as well." Kenny points out, and I nod as we slip through the door, and make our way down the steps.

"Hey!" We hear someone yell at us "Shit." I mutter turning around, seeing a tall man with dark brown hair, glaring at us. "The hell do you two think you are doing?!" He yells, drawing attention. I run up the stairs and slice his neck, killing him. "Shit, Kenny watch out!" I yell as someone come up behind him, about to attack. Kenny spins around, kicking the man in the ribs. Sending him tumbling down the stairs.

We rush down, and see about 15 guys standing around with weapons. "Welp, so much for this being stealthy." I mutter "That's the fun in it boy!" Kenny shouts charging towards a man, I am fighting against 3 other men. The taller one comes at me, and I dodge him, kicking his back sending him to the ground, the two behind me charge at me.

I drop and spin, kicking their feet out from under them. The taller man comes back charging at me, landing a punch to my chin. I undercut him, knocking him out cold. I then go back to the other two men. Punching one in the gut, and kicking him in the groin. His buddy punches me in the  stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I quickly regain myself, and stab him in the shoulder with my knife. He groans and grabs his shoulder, I take the opportunity to grab the back of his head, and smash it on my knee. 'Another one down' I think to myself, and go for the last guy. He tries kicking my head, but I grab his leg, and throw him on the ground. I get on top of him, and strangle him, until he stops moving.

I get up an assist Kenny, as we take out the rest of the men. "Where is she? Now that we are in the clear." I snap. "Come on." I follow him down the dark hallway, stopping in my tacks hearing a scream 'That's (Y/n)'. I then start running in the direction of the scream. Killing the two guys guarding the door. "Levi wait!" Kenny screams at me, but I don't stop.

I throw open the door, seeing a heavy set man standing infront of someone sitting in a chair. "Get your hands off of her." I growl. The man stops, and slowly turn around "Ah Levi, I am surprised you found us." He grins. "Not without my help." Kenny says stepping up next to me "Ah Kenny, how could you betray me like this?" Don whines "Because I am not as sick as you." snaps Kenny.

"Enough of this shit." I then charge at the man, he wasn't quite ready for me, but he still dodged my attack, my knife cutting his cheek. "Damn, you are fast." He mutters, he then goes to punch me, I dodge it receiving a punch to my shoulder instead of my face. I use the movement to launch my knife at him, landing in his gut. "Damn brat!" He yells, stepping back from the pain. I use the opportunity to kick him in the back of the knee, sending him to the ground.

I get on top "You deserve this, for what you have done to (Y/n)." I spit, and he laughs "You don't even know the half of what I have done to that whore." I feel anger rising in me, and I plunge my knife into him repeatedly, as his laughter soon dies. "Levi!" Kenny yells, but I don't stop. "Levi! That is enough!" he then grabs my wrist, stopping me from stabbing Don more. "He is dead." He whispers.

"You need to get (Y/n) out of here, now that the threat is gone." I nod, and stand up. My silver eyes widen as I turn around and see her. I slowly make my way over to her, dropping my knife. She is covered head to toe in bruises, and cuts. She is completely naked. All her nails are missing, as well as some toes. Her beautiful (h/c) hair, is completely dirty, and messy. Dried blood laced in it. She is looking at the ground, not moving.

I stop looking at her, and rush to her side. I quickly place my ear against her chest. 'Please' I beg, then I hear it. It's faint, but there. A steady beating of her heart, I feel tears threatening to spill out, but I blink them away. I quickly uncuff her arms and legs, she limply falls onto me. I take off my cloak and use it to cover her bare body, as I pick her up bridal-style, and start walking out of there. "Take care of her kid." I hear Kenny whisper, and I nod.

---Time Skip---

I walk into HQ, Hanji seeing me immediately, her gaze looking at the girl in my arms. She rushes over "You found her!" She yells, I shoot her a glare and she quiets down, "Come on, she needs immediate medical attention." she whispers, I  can see the tears in her eyes, and I follow her to the infirmary. I gently lay her on a bed, and sit in a chair next to her.

Hanji quickly gets to work, cleaning and tending to her wounds. My eyes locked onto (Y/n)'s face the whole time, my hands holding one of hers. I can't imagine what she has gone through, she has been through so much already since I left her in the underground. She had just begun to come out of her shell, and smile more. Now I have a feeling she is back in the dark. I feel a tear slide down my face, and I quickly wipe it away.

"She is all done, I am not sure when she will wake up, but there is not much else I can do." Hanji sighs, and places a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently in comfort. "Thanks." I sigh, and she leaves the room. I reach a hand up, and brush some of her hair behind her ear, then cup her cheek. I rub it gently with my thumb, "I am sorry, I wasn't there to protect you." I whisper to her, she doesn't move besides the slow rise and fall of her chest.

'I'm sorry' I think, my mind wondering to thoughts of her. Her smile, her laugh, her voice, just all about her. I finally let the tears fall from my eyes. "Please wake up."

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