Chapter 18: A Day Off

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(Y/n) POV:

I snuggled more into the warmth that surrounded my body, it was comforting and felt like home. I slowly opened my eyes to see a sleeping Levi. He had always looked so peaceful as he slept, he didn't have his brows furrowed, or his normal scowl, he just looked at peace. I place a light kiss to his forehead, and carefully untangle myself from him.

I walk into his bathroom, and took a shower, getting ready for the day. It has been about two weeks since Levi and I confessed, and I have now been staying in his room with him at night. It helped with my nightmares, and his. After I finished getting ready, I put on some normal clothes. We had a off day today, so I didn't have to put on my uniform, but I don't really have any other clothes to wear. I just put on a pair of black jeans, white button up shirt, and I grab one of Levi's black jackets. I then put my brown boots on and head out.

I make my way to the mess hall for some breakfast. I grab some toast and a cup of coffee, as I sit at my usual table with my friends. "Good morning (Y/n)!" Armin greets as I sit down. "Mornin, Coconut." I simply reply. "What are you going to do today?" Eren asks.

"I don't know, maybe do some shopping as I don't really have very many clothes, besides my uniform and some shirts and jeans." I shrug.

"I'll go with you! I need some more clothes as well!" Sasha shouts.

"I'll go too." Mikasa states joining the conversation, it kinda threw me for surprise. She hardly ever talks, she is kinda like Levi and looks as if she wants to kill everybody, just not as badly. "Okay." I reply as I continue eating "Hello! I heard we are having a girls trip today?!" Hanji says walking over to our table.

"Yeah!" Sasha answers her. "Yay! I'll join as well!" I mentally facepalm myself. I probably shouldn't have mentioned that I am going to town. I kinda just wanted to be alone, guess I am stuck with the other girls now. "(Y/N) have you ever been on a girls trip before?" Hanji asks, and I shake my head. "OMG! You are going to have so much fun! Right ladies?" Sasha shouted excitedly, and Mikasa just nods slightly.

After breakfast I head back upstairs and into Levi's office. I didn't see him come to breakfast, so I wanted to make sure he had woken up. I quietly opened his bedroom door, seeing his sleeping figure still in bed. I lightly smile as I walk to the edge of the bed. I run my hand through his raven hair, and his undercut. He groans a little and shifts, so he is facing me. "Levi, wake up. You missed breakfast." I whisper, and plant a kiss on his forehead. "5 more minutes." he grumbles, and I giggle a little.

He then reaches up, and puts his hand on the back of my head. He then pulled be into the bed with him. He cuddled my side, and laid his head on my chest. I smiled "Levi, I have to go the girls are waiting for me." He tightens his grip and buries his head more into me. "No, you are mine." I giggle "Come on, I have to go." He groaned and released me from him, and I stood up. Him following my actions. "Be careful?" He asks as he wraps his arms around my waist, and leans his forehead on mine.

"I will. Don't work all day, take a break." I smiled, and kissed him. It was a short, but sweet kiss. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" I say walking out of the room, "Okay." I then leave his room, and office. I make my way downstairs, and to the stables. "Good morning (H/n)." I greet my white mare, she snorts at me. I then get her tacked up and lead her out of the barn by her reins.

"About time!" Hanji groans, as I walk up to them, and mount (H/n). "Yeah, yeah." I wave her off. We then start riding to the capital. Talking as we ride.

---Time Skip brought to you by: Levi's cleaning products.---

We are walking the streets, and looking at different stores. We pass a lingerie store "Hey girls, I need new panties, I am going in here." I say walking to the shop. "Ooo I need some too." Hanji says as she follows, the other two follow as well. I am currently looking at a pair of undies when Hanji comes over. "(Y/n) you should get these." she says, and I turn to see what she is referring too "Hanji! What the fuck makes you think I would ever wear that!" I shout, getting looks from others in the store.

"I am sure Heichou would love to see this on you!" She say holding the black lace bra, and matching panties up higher. "The fuck? Hanji I think you have been sniffing too much titan gas. Levi and I are not together." I shrug her off. Levi and I have been wanting to keep things quiet, for safety. "Oh come on! I see the way you two have been looking at each other lately. You guys aren't even as mean to each other as you once were." I roll my eyes, and turn away. I continue to look through panties, and bras.

She keeps bugging me about it though. "Fine! If you will shut the fuck up!" Her wide grin gets wider, and she nods. I sigh and grab them from her. I make my way to the counter and pay for my items, including the set. We then walk out and keep shopping, "OOooo let's get some food!" Sasha yells, god if people keep yelling I am going to go deaf.

We follow her to a small food stand, and order some food. After Sasha finished her mountain of food, we continued to shop. We continue as the sun starts to set. "We are heading out, are you coming (Y/n)?" Mikasa asks "No, There's still a few things I need to get. You guys go ahead, I'll be back later." They give me weary looks "Guys I will be fine. I am from the underground remember?" I smiled, showing my confidence. "Alright, if you say so." Hanji shrugs, and I watch as the three walk away.

I turn and continue down the streets, as it starts getting darker. Men are lighting candles along the street for light. I start feeling as if I am being followed, and I don't like it. I reach behind my back and grab my knife, as it's tucked into my waistband. I walk over to where (H/n) is standing waiting for me. I tie my bags behind her saddle, before going to get Levi some more tea leaves. I had remembered him saying the other day that he was out, so I figured I would get him some.

As I leave the tea shop, it is now pitch black out. The only light is from the moon, and candles. I still have this bad feeling, as I turn down a alleyway. It's a dead-end, I am hoping to corner whoever it is that is following me. I stop at the brick wall, and snap "I know you are there, come out you little bitch." I head a low chuckles form behind me, I grip my knife, and drop my bag. Turning around ready to slice whoever it was.

I feel my knife cut his arm, and I swing my leg to knock him down, but he jumps and turns. His fist heading for my face, as I dodge it and go to stab him. He anticipated my attack, and grabbed my arm, twisting it. "Ah!" I scream, as I feel my bones starting to break. He kicks my feet out from under me sending me to the ground, and I hit my head. 'Shit' I think to myself, trying to find a way out. Before I can though, something hits the back of my head causing my to loose conciseness.

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