~Prologue 1: Stranger's Awakening~

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"Huh? What's that noise?" He thought as he awoke to a loud rattling noise. He still felt drowsy, but was aware enough to know he was in an enclosed space.

"Crap. People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..." A voice, from outside of, of whatever enclosure he was in. He then hears the rattling again.

"Hello! Is someone out there?" He calls and bangs on the lid. "Hey! Can you get me out?!" He shouts, as he's starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Woah! What?! You're awake in there?!" The person says surprised.

"Yes...? Can you get me out of here? I'm really starting to feel the walls close in..." He says, his breath starting to run low. He always hated being confined.

"Oh! Hang on!" Whoever was outside said and he hears the rattling again. "Grrr! The lid is too heavy. Brace yourself, time for my... Secret move!" The person says, then the lid bursts open to blue fire.

"Woah!" He exclaims and jumps from whatever he was in, landing onto the floor. He looks around the place, seeing a bunch of what appeared to be floating coffins in the strange room. "What the—? What are those things?" He thought confused.

"Hey, you!" The voice from before speaks and he looks around the room again, in search of the source of that voice. "Down here!" It says and he looks down, to see what looked like one of those stray cats he would sometimes run into.

"A talking... cat?" He said confused again. The cat in question had gray fur with a white chest, bright blue eyes, blue flames burning from in his ears and a pitchfork shaped tail.

"Just who are you calling a cat?! I am the Great Grim!" The creature, Grim, says. "Since I helped you out of that box, you now have to do something for me. Give me your uniform!" He then demands.

"Uniform...?" He says confused and looks down to see his usual clothes, including the thin coat, were now replaced with an extravagant and expensive looking robe over said uniform the cat mentioned. "What? Where, where did this come from?" He thought as he looks himself over.

 "What? Where, where did this come from?" He thought as he looks himself over

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(AN: The ceremonial robes he's wearing)

"Hey! Human! I said give me those clothes! Or else, I'll roast ya!" The cat says, he was confused. Why would this creature want his clothes? Then an idea pops into his mind. He bends down and gently scoops the feline into his arms. "Hey! What are you doing?!" The creature cries in shock.

"You must be pretty cold, these clothes are warm." He says and tucks the strange creature into the robe.

"Huh?! That's not, it..." The creature calms as the warmth of the boy soothes him. He smiles down at the cat-like creature, as he seems to dose, then looks around the room again, before making his way out and begins wandering the place.

"Where am I?" He thought to himself. "The last thing that I remember was riding in that carriage heading toward a castle, and then the strange mirror, and then..." He recalls the events that led up to his point. The building he was in was huge, with many strange rooms and areas.

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