~Prologue 3: The Great Seven~

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Notre, a beautiful city, mostly made of stone. The town square was the center of the city, with a fountain that he would perform at, and the large cathedral that lied in it as well. Every morning he'd hear the bells coming from the tallest tower.

He would dance in front of the fountain, where he would often earn what he could from his performances and telling fortunes and stories. Besides that, he would do some labor work as well. Whenever things would get rough, he would go see the cathedral's caretaker who kindly offered him food and shelter.

Others unfortunately weren't as nice as the old man. Many would turn him away, even chase him out. There were those who would strike him as well. Many saying he would rob them when he just wanted some food. Then those who would throw leftovers and scraps at him, telling him it was more than what he deserved.

Even if some would offer to help him, he knew what they really wanted. He was very atrractive, he knew this. A perfect mix of his beautiful mother and handsome father. So a lot of people would try to force themselves on him, but he managed to get away before they got too far. In the end he was left alone, cold and hungry...

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

Ezera groans as he awoke from his sleep. Which had been the best sleep he's had since... actually, he doesn't remember the last time he's had such a good sleep. All nights were hard as he was often forced to sleep outside on the cold hard streets.

Speaking of, he looks around and at first doesn't remember where he is, but then his mind clears up from the sleepy fog and his memory returns. He had snuck into a fancy carriage only to then suddenly find himself at a strange place called Night Raven Collage, along with meeting a mysterious creature called Grim.

After the commotion at the entrance ceremony with him and Grim, the dean learned of his situation and graciously allowed him to stay at an old dorm in the school. He even gave him food and clothes, plus shelter from the rain storm.

"Heeheehee... Shouldn't you two get up?" A voice said, making the boy jump. He looks at the foot of the bed to see Grim, still snoozing away.

"Yeah, you're meeting with the headmaster soon." The big ghost says. Ezera leans over and nudges the feline.

"Unnnn... Nyaa... Five more minutes..." The little critter says sleepily.

"Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again." The small ghost says.

"Just like us! Eeheehee!" the big guy says then laughs. Grim at that moment decided to wake up, then rolls off the bed at sight of the ghosts.

"Grim! Are you okay?!" Ezera asks him worriedly.

"Grr... It's the ghosts again! What? You come back for more?!" The feline exclaims ignoring his human companion's concern.

"Kekeke... If you're going to be staying here, then you should know our names at least. To start off, I'm Victor." Said the skinniest ghost.

"I'm Hugo. Hahaahaa..." Said the biggest one next.

"And I'm called Laverne." Finished the smallest one. "And just to warn you two, if you stay, you're gonna get pranked!" With that, the ghosts disappeared.

"Shoot. We'll get rid of those jokers one of these days." Grim swore, while Ezera climbs out of bed. Just then, Crowley walks into the room.

"Ah, good morning you two. Did you sleep well?" He greets cheerily, then asks.

"I was all sprawled out, then I fell out the bottom! Just how ramshackle did you let this place get? Then the ghosts woke me up. This is the worst!" Grim whines.

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