~Chapter 1-2: First Day of Magic School~

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After returning to the campus, the quartet quickly made their way to their first class of the day. Which was potions, according to Deuce. Upon arriving, they all were required to put on lab coats and goggles for the class, and were currently waiting for the teacher to arrive with the other students in the room.

"Ah, so you all are the fresh faces in my homeroom." A voice says as a man enters the room. Said man appeared to be in his twenties or thirties, with double-toned black and white hair, silver eyes and a black and white striped fur coat.

"Hmmm, there certainly are some rare hair colors in the bunch this year. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it daily. My name is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me, Master Crewel." He comments then introduces himself.

"Now take your seats and class will begin. First for the basics I will beat the names and appearances of 100 types of medicine and poison into your little brains." The man instructs then states while pulling out a riding crop, making Ezera flinch back at the thought of being hit with the instrument.

"We'll cover fungi later. For now memorize these so you don't go around getting poisoned by random things you eat off the ground. Dogs will eat whatever is lying around. Your training will be strict and I better not see any red marks on your tests." He continues and warns, brandishing his riding crop again.

"I see... By the way, what's a "fungi"?" Deuce says then asks.

"I'm pretty sure he's talking about mushrooms, since they are referred to as fungi. Though, that's as much as I know." Ezera answers him the best he can.

"Blegh. I'm no good at memorization." Ace groans to himself.

"All that matters for grass is whether or not it tastes good." Grim says, sounding uninterested.

"Oh yeah, Grim, can you help me understand this. I can only read about half of these words here..." The romani boy asks his companion.

"Huh? Oh! Don't worry, I'll walk you through it." The feline says and helps Ezera in reading the assignment. Which didn't go unnoticed by Crewel.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

Once first period drew to a close, the students all put back their lab coats and goggles, and began making their way to their next. For a certain quartet, that was magic history.

"I'm Mozus Trein and I am in charge of your history lessons. This one here is my familiar, Lucius." The man at the front of room introduces, the cat he was holding meowing afterwards.

The said man appeared to be in his forties to fifties, with grey hair that had white streaks and stern eyes, wearing quite a high-class looking ensemble with a wine-red over coat, a white cravat and green brooch. His cat familiar was mostly black in color, with white tips on his ears and bushy tail and a white underbelly.

"You will learn about the history of magic that has brought prosperity to the world. Participation in class will affect your grade, not just reports. I will not forgive sleeping in my class. Now, open your textbooks to page 15.

"We'll be starting the lesson with the discovery of magic crystals in the Dwarf's Mine... Magical energy spread throughout the world during the century after this discovery, we call it the "Beginning of Magic"." The man explains then instructs, with Lucius meowing. The students obey and open their books.

"Woah~... At Dwarf's Mine... Woah~... Magical energy..." Deuce reads intrigued.

"Hmmm... I want a class where I can use magic like "BANG!"." Grim says, sounding almost disappointed.

"Hey, Grim, can you help me here?" Ezera asks the feline when he comes to a word he couldn't make out.

"Huh? Oh! That's..." The fire-breathing creature replies and helps Ezera to read the word and any other parts he had trouble with. Once again, this did not go unnoticed by the teacher, nor his cat for that matter.

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