~Chapter 3-2: Results are Anemone~

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Once class let out, the group heads out to see the ranking, where a crowd of students were already gathered to see the list. They seemed pretty jittery, all muttering if they were on the list.

"Is my name in the top 50!?" Grim exclaims as he gets into the crowd to see.

"I've gotta be in the top 50 if I got an average of above 90 right!?" Ace himself says as he also tries to get a look at the ranking, Deuce with him.

"Top 10, top 20... I-I'm not there! 48, 49, 50th... Nope, my name isn't there at all!" Grim yells in a panic.

"M-my name isn't there either..." Deuce laments.

"Hold up a sec. On the top score list they've written everyone's total scores next to their names... The top 30 people all got a perfect score of 500!" Ace exclaims.

"A p-perfect score!?" Deuce and Grim both yell in shock.

"Is it even possible for 30 people to get a perfect score?" Ezera questions. "Isn't that just a bit strange?" He added in thought.

"More than that... If I'm not in the top 50 I'm 'breaking contract'!" Grim suddenly exclaims. Wait, what?

"Eh... 'Contract', Grim did you...?" Ace trails off with a nervous sweat.

"Ace, that face, did you..." Deuce says himself, just then a spark of magic flashed and all three of them suddenly had something sprout from their heads.

"Ffgna!? Wh-what the hell is this!? There's an anemone coming out of my head!" Grim exclaims in panic.

"G-Grim, you made a contract with him too!? You coward!" Deuce says. Huh?

"Deuce you've got one growing out of your head too!" Ace states.

"I'll pull this thing right... Owowowow, I can't get it off!" The fire cat says as he attempts to pull the anemone from his head.

"N-no! Grim, stop! You'll just hurt yourself!" Ezera exclaims and stops the feline from pulling on the anemone. "What is going here? You've all got anemones on your heads!?" He then asks, flustered and confused. A quick look around reveals they weren't the only ones.

"I came over to see what all the fuss is about, but it's just you guys. What're you doing?" A voice asks and they turn to see Jack approach them.

"Jack, did you make a contract... but you don't have an anemone...!?" Deuce asks.

"Despite your looks, do you actually take studies seriously!?" Ace says surprised.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Actually, what's that thing on your head?" Jack asks, confused and clearly a little weirded by the anemone.

"Well, you see... Ffgna!? What now!?" Grim begins but then is cut off. "I'm being pulled by my head by the anemone!" He exclaims.

"Owowowow! It's gonna pull my head off!" Ace yells in pain, his anemone doing the same thing.

"Shit, is this what he meant by 'absolute obedience'...?" Deuce asks and the three are then dragged off, along with others who had anemones on their heads.

"The hell? It looked like they were being pulled along by the anemones on their heads. They all look like idiots..." Jack says, his eyes wide in befuddlement.

"We should go after them. I got to find out what's going on." Ezera then says.

"Huh? Why me? This doesn't involve me at all." The wolf beastman questions.

"Honestly, I'd rather not go alone. And I trust you." The ravenette boy replies.

"Really? You trust me?" The silver wolf asks, a small blush on his face, plus his tail wagging slightly. "Mm, okay I'll help you." He agrees.

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