~Chapter 1-10: The Heartslabyul Duel~

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When Ezera opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a strange room, with people in wooden seats, and the queen from before sat up above them all.

"Another strange dream?" He thought then sees a young girl with blonde hair and dressed in a blue dress and bow, standing behind a podium before the said queen's high chair.

"You stand trial, accused of embarrassing the Queen during a game of croquet." A voice speaks. "As such, the aforementioned Alice's sentence shall be beheading!" The voice says next and Ezera was horrified.

"What? But I did nothing wrong. It was..." The girl, Alice most likely, speaks up.

"Silence! Off with her head!" The queen yells. He couldn't sit by and watch this.

"What? Stop it! This isn't fair! Doesn't she get a say?!" He shouts while stepping in between the queen and girl. "What kind of ruler are you anyway? A real queen guides her subjects on the right path, not punishes them for such simple mistakes. You just don't like anyone speaking against you!" He accuses.

"He's right. Your majesty indeed. Why, you're not even a real queen! You're just a pompous, bad-tampered, tyrant!" Alice says in agreement then states.

"Hahaha... What, did you two, say?" The queen asks, her snarky smile strained. A strange cat then appears on top of her crown.

"They're saying you're not a queen, just a pompous bad-tampered tyrant!" The cat says with a wide grin, then quickly disappears.

"Guards! Off with both their heads!!" The queen screams and in the next instance, a bunch of card soldiers began descending upon Ezera and Alice.

"You heard what her majesty said! Off with their heads!" One of them said.

"You don't have to follow her... Ah!" Ezera cut off as he quickly covered Alice, then was covered by the cards. "G-get off us! Go away! You-you're all just a bunch of cards!" He yells and things go black.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

"Ezera? Ezera! Hey!" The said boy gasped as he opened his eyes, finding himself back in his dorm room laying on his bed.

"What a dream..." He thought, relieved that it was all over.

"Hey, you okay? You were squirming and muttering in your sleep." He looks up to see Deuce and Grim over him.

"Yeah, and what's with the cards?" Grim asks and Ezera then notices the cards covering him... His tarot cards.

"Oh, I remember doing a reading, and I must've fallen asleep." Ezera replies, still a little groggy as he sits up and looks at the said cards. All of them had an image of a different fish with different numbers of chalices. "The Suit of Cups...?" He thought, then notices that all the cards were "suit of cups" and the rest were on the floor.

"Here, let me help you." Deuce says and picks up the rest of the deck, then hands it back to Ezera.

"Thank you, Deuce." The ravenette boy says and puts the deck away in the bag.

"Hey! How long are you guys gonna take!?" Ace shouts as he enters the room. "Come on! Today's the day! We got to get going soon!" He says, impatiently.

"Right. Today's the duel between Ace, Deuce and Riddle." Ezera remembers. "I'll get ready, wait for me downstairs." He says and all three leave him in his room. He sighs as he gets up from bed, worried for what was to come that day. "I just know, something's going to happen." He thinks, then goes to get dressed.

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