~Chapter 4-7: Octavinelle Arrival~

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The next day came and everyone in Scarabia was nervous. Last night, the "guests" from Ramshackle Dorm escaped on the dorm leader's magic carpet and ended up taking refuge in Octavinelle. It didn't help that the students who failed to retrieve them were too afraid to tell their dorm leader and vice leader what happened.

"I can't believe those guys went and holed up in Octavinelle..." A Scarabia resident says to another student.

"They even went and stole Kalim's magic carpet... What if he finds out...? Uugghh, what should we do?" The one he was talking to groans.

"Let's go ask Jamil what he thinks." The first one then suggests. At that moment, a certain trio and duo, appear from the mirror and walk up to them.

"Good morning. Pardon our intrusion." Azul greets the two.

"Holy moly it's hot. It's like the middle of summer." Floyd complains. The two Scarabia students were frozen for a time, before snapping out of it.

"It's those guys from Octavinelle that beat the crap out of us yesterday!" The first guy exclaims, sweating nervously.

"What do you want with Scarabia!?" The second one asks, just as shaky.

"Aaah, I'm terribly sorry about last night. It looked like you were picking on some poor, defenseless animals so... As kind as I am I just had to cover for them... But after hearing about what transpired...

"I realized we had become accomplices in their crime of stealing the magic carpet. And I sought to correct our mistakes and capture these two thieves. Which is why we are here to return the magic carpet." Azul apologies and explains, Ezera who was next to him stays quiet, not noticing the other boy's strained smile.

"Mmnnhh... You lying son of a..." Grim mutters annoyed. The said magic carpet next to him, seeming to agree and gently touches Ezera's hand with its tassel.

"Th-that's..." The first Scarabia student says, unsure.

"Thank you for your cooperation...?" The second one thanks, also unsure. Just then, more footsteps were heard as another familiar figure approaches them.

"Hey, you guys. It's almost time for morning training. Kalim will lose it if you're la..." Jamil says as he approaches, only to freeze.

"Oh my, Jamil! Good morning and how are you this fine day?" Azul greets the vice leader with a pleasant smile.

"Azul Ashengrotto with the Leech brothers...! What exactly is going on here...? Oh, Ezera! You're back! Wait, why are you with them?" The coal haired boy asks.

"It is extremely difficult for us to travel home during winter." Jade explains.

"So we stay at the dorm during the winter holidays. Ah hah." Floyd adds.

"Come... again?" The coal-haired boy asks, almost looking annoyed.

"By the way, where could I find Kalim at this time? I'd like to return magic carpet you see..." Azul says next.

"Eh, ahh... ahhhhh. If it's a delivery then I'll take care of it." Jamil says, his usual smile back, which was strained as he stares at the close proximity between Ezera and the octopus-merman.

"No, I couldn't. This magic carpet is like a national treasure. If someone were to discover something wrong with it and try to claim that it was Octavinelle's fault I'd have no end to trouble. So, I would like to deliver it directly to Kalim myself and have him look it over." The bespectacled boy states.

"Kalim would never care about something like that so I'll take it... And I better get Ezera back to his room..." The longer haired boy says while reaching for both.

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