~Chapter 4-2: Dorm of Hot Sands~

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The next day, Ezera and Grim awoke to see the ground covered with fresh snow, from the window of their bedroom, still in his pajamas, though Grim was wearing his trademark ribbon with his magic crystal.

"Wow, look at all that! It's a winter wonderland!" Grim says in awe at the scene.

"It's beautiful, but I'm kind of worried about the fireplace." Ezera says.

"Yeah, those fire fae are probably starting to feel a little chilly. We should get them some firewood. And we can see if there's anything to eat in the kitchen while we're there! Lala~" The fire cat says and rushes out of the room.

"We're supposed to check on them soon anyway. Let's get dressed and head for the cafeteria. Huh?" The boy agrees then notices something on the table near the chair. "What's this?" He asks as he takes a look to see it was a large box, a card addressed to him on top of it, which he picks up.

"...'Dear Esmera-kun, with the cold snap coming, I figured this would come in handy'." He reads then opens the box to find a light purple coat with grey faux fur collar, a pair of black snow boots with brown fur lining and a pair of beige gloves, plus a short, black and white striped scarf.

"Oh, perfect!" He exclaims and immediately gets dressed in a white long-sleeved turtleneck, warm sweatpants and some thick socks, tying his hair into a ponytail like usual. He then slips on the boots and gloves, then walks out of his room and down to the foyer, both coat and scarf in hand.

"Huh? What's with the get-up?" Grim asks him, already waiting at the front door.

"They're from Sam, for the cold weather." Ezera explains then puts on the coat and wraps the scarf around the feline's neck. The Ramshackle duo then head out the door, immediately getting hit with a wave of cold air.

"Brr... It is pretty cold." Grim shivers slightly, then looks at the snow with awe. "I always wanted to play in snow! Yahoo!" He cheers and jumps in.

"Grim..." Ezera sighs, but couldn't help but smile as he watched his feline friend play in the fluffy snow. He then smirks as he reaches down and gathers a bunch of snow into a ball. "Hey, Grim!" He calls and throws the ball, hitting the feline as he turns to him upon hearing his name.

"Hey!" The feline exclaims as he's knocked back by the ball.

"Ahaha! Sorry Grim, I couldn't resist! I hadn't done that in so long... Hahahaha!" Ezera laughs, when he feels something cold hit him and he stops.

"Gyahaha! Take that!" Grim laughs, having thrown the snowball at the boy.

"Oh, it is on now!" The raven haired prefect exclaims and an all-out snowball war breaks out between the Ramshackle duo.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

After their little snowball fight, then getting some firewood, the two made their way to the school cafeteria and the hearth inside it.

"That was fun... But cold! It's seriously freezing out there. Felt like my paws were gonna turn to ice! Get that wood into the fireplace!" Grim says and pleads.

"Don't worry, I'm on it." Ezera says and quickly adds the wood to the hearth. The fire roars to life as a small being that appeared to be made of flames appeared before the two.

"You must be one of the fire fae that lives here. Just being next to you warms me to the core." Grim says with a sigh of relief at the warmth. The fairy seemed to reply, but all that came out of its mouth were crackling and pop noises, like fire. "Huh?" The feline asks, confused.

"I guess that's how they talk." Ezera guesses. The fairy appears to perk up when it notices him and starts flying around the boy while crackling excitedly. "Hehehe... You're quite spirited." The blue eyed boy laughs, amused.

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