~Chapter 2-13: Attack of Cute~

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"Mmm..." Ezera groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, opening his eyes to find himself once again in the school infirmary, lying on one of the beds. "Huh? What happened?" He thought, trying to remember how he got here.

"Ezera! You're awake!" A familiar high voice cheers as Ezera feels something soft hug him on his chest and he looks down to see his feline companion.

"...Huh? Grim?" He asks, still confused, as he sits up in his bed, Grim still attached to his chest. Just then, Ace came forward.

"You were knocked out in the second half of our match after Grim nailed you in the head with the disc. Do you remember?" The ginger haired boy explains.

"It was an accident. I was trying to score with a super long shot. I didn't mean for it to hit Ezera in the head." Grim attempts to defend himself, now sitting in the Romani boy's lap.

"Newbies shouldn't try stuff like that in the first place." Jack says as both he and Deuce walk over to Ezera's bed.

"Anyways, I'm glad you woke up. We were really worried about where you got hit since you wouldn't wake up for so long." The spade boy says in relief.

"I'll say. You've been asleep for so long that the closing ceremony is long over and they've already starting dismantling the venue." Ace adds on.

"Oh, I was out for that long? I'm sorry for worrying you all." Ezera apologizes.

"To be fair, it wasn't your fault. So, no need to say sorry." Jack comforts him.

"Speaking of which... Which dorm won then?" The ravenette then asks.

"The champion was Diasomnia." A familiar voice answers and the boy turns to see Leona and Ruggie occupying the next two beds.

"Uughh. In the end we didn't stand a chance. The other dorms were all a mess, so this year's tournament was a shit show." Ruggie says with a groan.

"Oh, Leona-senpai, Ruggie-senpai! Are you finally awake?" Jack exclaims.

"Tch... I can't believe I'm using an infirmary bed for something other than a nap." Leona hisses in annoyance. "That serpent especially gave me a thrashing. He sure wasn't holding back." He adds in thought.

"The fact that not a single person from Diasomnia is in here really ticks me off." Ruggie comments, annoyed himself.

"I already heard the rumors, but man... Diasomnia's dorm head is crazy strong." Ace then says.

"Yeah... It was something else. I wish you could've seen it, Ezera." Deuce says.

"I totally get why no one imagine beating him." The red boy then admits.

"Hmph. No one can win if they give up before they even try." Jack huffs. "I will defiantly beat Diasomnia next year. Without using underhanded tactics, only my own strength." He declares fiercely.

"Hmph! 'Underhanded tactics' require one's own strength, you know?" Leona says in retort.

"Do you feel bad about this at all?" Ezera questions, a stern look in his eyes.

"Feel bad? What do I have to feel bad for? I gave my all to win this year. And I'll give my all again next year." The lion man replies.

"Shishishi! That's the Leona we know." Ruggie laughs.

"Now I'm already worried about next year..." Jack says, Ezera silently agreeing.

"And I'm gonna be in the tournament for real next year!" Grim then declares.

"We've gotta do our best to make sure we get an official spot on the team next year, too." Deuce says in agreement.

"You're right. I don't wanna stand out for being dumb like this year." Ace adds. Ezera couldn't help the soft chuckle that left his lips at his sentence.

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