~Chapter 1-12: Tears Shed & Not Alone~

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"Riddle? Riddle... Follow my voice... I'm right here... You're not alone..." A soft, gentle voice says and the said boy gasps as he awakes.

"Huuh... Thank goodness, he's awake! ...For real, we were agonizing over whether you'd wake up or not back there..." Cater says with a sigh of relief, while Ace for some reason looks annoyed.

"Huff... huff... What... did I...?" Riddle asks as he was still regaining his senses.

"I'm so glad, he came back to his senses..." Crowley says, relieved himself.

"There's no need to think about it now. Just rest." Trey tells the boy.

"Uuugh, of course he goes berserk after getting a little mad if you're coddling him like that all the time! The garden is a disaster and we were in serious trouble back there!" Ace practically huffs.

"Yeah, it was a crazy situation..." Deuce agrees.

"Seriously. Bottling up all your stress isn't admirable." Grim decides to add.

"...... I... I really wanted to eat that Mont Blanc..." Riddle suddenly confesses. "The roses are fine being white and the flamingos are fine pink. I like putting honey in my tea more than sugars and I like milk tea more than lemon tea. I want to chat with everyone while we eat..." He spills, looking ready to cry.

"Riddle...?" Trey says, surprised at his friend's change in attitude.

"I... I really wanted to spend more time with Trey and everyone else..." The red-haired boy began again then promptly burst into tears and clings to the person who was nearest to him, who starts rubbing his back in comfort.

"Wha-?! I can't believe... that Riddle is sobbing like a baby..." Cater says, a look of utter shock on his face. "I also wonder how long before he realizes..."  He thought.

"Hey, stop that! You're not forgiven just because you're crying!" Ace hissed, his annoyance clearly growing.

"You really refuse to read the mood... Although..." Deuce says, but grumbles.

"I'm sorry too, Riddle. Even though I knew you were suffering, I pretended not to notice. So, I'm going to say it now. Riddle, your way of doing things is wrong. You have to properly apologize to everyone." Trey then says, as Riddle continued crying and sniffling.

"...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...!" The boy cries out. "Ah... Why do I smell, whipped cream?" He asks, noticing the smell wafting off whatever, or whomever, he was clinging to.

"Oh, I washed after yesterday, but I couldn't get the smell completely out for some reason... Bright side, it's actually nice." A familiar voice says and it's then that Riddle realizes where he is... In Ezera's arms and against his chest.

"Wh-what?!" He exclaims, his face red, not with anger this time, and jumps out of the Romani's hold. "What?! Why?!" He stammers as he stares at the other boy.

"Wow, now you notice..." Ace grumbles while rolling his eyes.

"After you passed out, Ezera quickly went to you and tried to rouse you... I guess you could say it thanks to him you woke up." Cater explains, a sly look in his eye.

"What?! After, everything I done... You would...?" Riddle questions, recalling all that he had said and done to roma boy.

"It's fine, I get it... I am nothing but a "gypsy" after--" The ravenette began.

"No! No! I was wrong! I owe you the biggest apology of all! You're no barbarian, or a gypsy... I... I... Ace was right! No matter how much I try, I'm just like those fake gems that jewelry stores charge a fortune for... While you're a raw but genuine one! I am so sorry!" Riddle cries and admits. Ezera smiles and hugs him again.

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