~Chapter 4-5: Wheel of Fate~

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While the others were out in the dorm courtyard to train with defense magic, Ezera and Jamil stayed behind in the dorm building so the Roma boy could rest. Currently, the raven haired boy was in the spare room, where he was sitting on the bed, his jewelry removed and placed on the side table, lost in his thoughts.

"Hey, I'm back." Jamil says as he enters the room, carrying a tray with a bowl on it. "I brought you that ice cream. It should help for cooling down." He says as he approaches the boy on the bed.

"Jamil, you don't have to do this for me." Ezera tells him, feeling bad for the other boy practically serving him.

"It was Kalim's order. Besides, I don't mind. This is the least I can do, considering what happened earlier." The vice prefect states as he puts the tray on the table.

"That wasn't your fault though." The wavy haired boy states.

"Yeah, but..." The taller boy says, trailing off at the end. "Anyways, I got you three different flavors, cherry, chocolate chip mint and caramel vanilla swirl. Since, I didn't know what you liked, I went with three of the best." He informs as he picks up the bowl, plus a spoon, and holds it out to the other boy.

"Thank you... I can't remember the last time I had such a treat." Ezera admits as he takes the bowl and spoon. He then takes a spoonful of each flavor and eats.

"How do you like it?" Jamil asks him, curious.

"It's good—Ah!" The raven haired boy says then exclaims and clutches his nose.

"What!? Is something wrong!?" The coal haired boy asks worriedly.

"Tsk... Ah... Sorry, just, ate too fast." The Roma tells him while hissing through the pain and the other boy sighs in relief.

"Brain freeze. Got to hate it. Hehehe..." He laughs, a little amused. "Don't worry, it'll pass soon. Just make sure to be careful with your next bite." He assures then advices the Roma boy, who smiles at him in thanks and finishes the ice cream.

"Thank you again. I really enjoyed it." He says while placing the now empty bowl on the tray on the table. He then noticed the bag that held his tarot cards. "While we're here waiting, would you like do a reading?" He suggests.

"A reading? Oh, you mean fortune telling? I heard about you doing it at the school store for customers. I've never done it before, so I admit, I am curious." The coal-haired boy says and admits. Ezera smiles and grabs the bag.

He opens the bag and takes out the tarot cards, putting the bag itself aside. He then starts shuffling the cards, then hands them to the other boy, who shuffles them as well before handing them back. The Roma then fans out the cards and takes out six.

"So, how does this work exactly?" Jamil asks as the Romani finishes setting out the cards, setting the rest of the deck aside for the moment.

"Usually, I do a three card reading, but this is different, a serenity reading. Which is used to address a certain problem or situation. I haven't done it in a while, so I thought I'd refresh myself.

"The first card is the foundation, which is the heart of the issue. The second card is the barrier, which is what's blocking the problem from being resolved. The third card is healing, being advice on how to move forward. The fourth card is external, being what one can do to help others.

"The fifth card is internal, what one can do to help themselves. Finally, the sixth card is revelation, the lesson one learns from the situation." Ezera explains, then flips over the first card, revealing a familiar image of a fox, upside down.

"What's that? Why's it upside down?" The longer haired boy asks.

"The Magician, and it's in the reverse position. Depending on the card's position its meaning changes. Right side up, is upright, while upside down, is reverse. In this case, it's reversed and in reverse, it means manipulation, poor planning and untapped talents.

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