~Chapter 2-10: Scheme Exposed~

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"I smell... dirt?" Ezera realized as he opens his eyes to find himself in some sort of cave. He turns to see the black lion from his last dream lying lazily on a rock. Not too far away, was a bird trapped in the ribcage of an animal, singing drearily.

"Do stop Zazu, you're bringing the mood down." The lion says, lazily.

"Oh, I'd never had to do this with Mufasa..." The bird, Zazu most likely, laments.

"What? What did you say!? I am the king!" The lion retaliates in anger, looking ready to tear the poor avian apart. Just then, one of the hyenas steps inside.

"Hey, Boss, we gotta a bone to pick with you." The hyena says, followed by two others of his pack.

"There's no food, no water! And we're starving!" The second hyena states.

"I don't care. If you're so hungry, then eat Zazu." The lion brushes off and Ezera held back a gasp of horror.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but things were better under Mufasa's rule." The first hyena says quietly to his companions. Unfortunately, not quiet enough.

"Hmph, is that so? You're an eyesore! Get out!" The lion exclaimed. While they were distracted with each other, Ezera quietly crept over to the bone cage where Zazu was being held.

"Huh? Who are you? What are you doing?!" The bird exclaims.

"Shh... I'm getting you out. I won't let you be eaten." Ezera says, then picks up a stone and attempts to pry apart the rib bones.

"What are you doing, little herbivore?" A voice asks and the boy freezes as a chill goes down his spine. He slowly turns to see the black lion approaching him, like a predator stalking its prey.

"If you're gonna get angry when people compare you, take your job seriously at least!" He found himself saying, though immediately regrets it.

"Come to defy my rule as well? Well, I'll make it clear then. I... Am... The, KING!" The beast says and with a mighty roar pounces at the boy, who screams.

"Ezera!?!" A voice shouts.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

"Ezera! Hey! Wake up!" The said boy gasps as he wakes up to find himself back in his room in Ramshackle. "Hey! Are you alright?!" A voice asks worriedly and the ravenette looks up to see a worried Jack over him, dressed in his gym clothes.

"J-Jack? What...? Where...?" The boy begins but was unable to continue as he was breathing heavily.

"Whoa, whoa... Easy there. Take a deep breath..." The wolf says and instructs. The Roma boy does, able to get his breathing in order again. "Hey, what happened? I came back from my morning jog when I heard you screaming." He asks and says.

"Ugh... Anyone got the number of the bus that hit me...?" A voice groans and the two boys look on the other side of the bed to see Grim lying on the floor.

"Grim! What are you doing on the floor?!" Ezera asks, quickly picking up the cat.

"You tell me. I was sleeping peacefully, until I heard a scream and jumped out of my wits." The feline says then notices Jack. "Huh? What are you doing in here? And why are you wearing gym clothes?" He asks the beastman.

"I woke up earlier and went on my morning run, then came back to make sure you guys were awake for the Magift Tournament. Though, didn't expect to hear a scream once I went through the door. I almost thought you were being attacked or something. Were you having a nightmare?" Jack explains and asks.

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