~Chapter 3-11: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust~

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"Shishishi! We got them out of there with no issue." Ruggie laughed as he and Leona look over the pile of gold contracts they had stolen.

"Hmph, your sticky fingers sure are impressive." Leona says, impressed.

"If you won't something to get stolen then you should lock it in your pocket." The hyena pick-pocket states. "Still, there's a crazy number of contracts here. Easily five or six-hundred." He says while observing the pile.

"Hmm. He's probably been making these shady deals since long before he came to this school." Leona theorizes. "We got the contracts out of the VIP room. All that's left is... I am hunger, I am thirst. I am that which steals your tomorrow..." He says as he gets his unique magic ready.

"Stop right there!!" Azul exclaims as he runs over to the Savanaclaw duo.

"...Uh oh, here already? Then maybe you can explain this..." The other dorm head asks as he takes out a musical figurine made of glass in a glass dome, a gold winding key in the side of its dark wooden base.

"Th-that's...!" The bespectacled boy stammers.

"Hang on... Is, is that supposed to be Fox-kun?" Ruggie asks, his eyes wide when he recognizes the features of the figurine. Ezera in his dorm uniform, standing on one foot while twirling and holding his tambourine.

"Looks like it... Where the heck did you even get something like this?" Leona says then questions.

"Be careful with that! It was really expensive to have it custom-made!" The silver-lavender haired prefect exclaims.

"You actually paid for this to be custom-made? Jeez, what is wrong with you?" The brunette lion says, with Ruggie silently agreeing.

"Shut up! Just give that back! And my contracts!" Azul demands and steps closer.

"Uh-ah! One more step and I drop this, and don't forget your contracts. You'll stay still, unless you don't care what happens to them." Leona threatens.

"Give them... Please give them back!" The mer in human form pleads while still.

"Woah, woah, at least try to keep up appearances. What happened to your mask of control? Seeing you like this proves that his hunch was right on the money." The lion comments.

"What... did you say?" Azul asks and the Savanaclaw dorm leader explains.


"Are you trying to say that as long as the contracts are secured inside the vault they are in a state of 'invincibility'?" Leona asks, the scene taking place in his room during last night.

"...Hm? Hmmmmm? I don't follow at all." Grim says confused.

"Ah, now that you mention it, yeah, it is a little weird. If what Azul says is true and anyone who touches a contract is in for a shock... There's no reason to keep them in a vault. He could just throw them wherever. Like Leona's wallet." Ruggie states.

"Ah! About that vault... He really lost it when it got the tiniest scratch." Grim recounts, Ezera also remembering his reaction.

"Oh yeah, it's common sense to put your valuables in a safe so we didn't think to even question it. Even the habits of an out-of-touch prince can be useful at times." The hyena realizes, throwing some shade at said prince at the end there.

"Tch, you really don't know when to shut up." The brunette lion hisses, annoyed.

"...This means that the zap you guys got was another one of their expert magic tricks." The sandy brunette then says.

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