~Chapter 5-5: Trials of the Selected~

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"Trein caught me sleeping in magic history class and threw more homework at us." Ace sighs as the group walks down the hallway after class lets out.

"I'm telling you, that guy is totally casting some kind of sleeping spell on us just to give out more homework." Grim says, slumped on Ezera's shoulder.

"I've been wearing a rubber band on my wrist so I don't fall asleep. The moment I get drowsy, I snap it and it wakes me right up." Deuce admits.

"Do we really have to go that far? Oh yeah, wasn't today supposed to be the day we find out the results of the Vocal & Dance Championship audition?" Ace says then recalls.

"It's almost lunch break, but we haven't heard anything yet." Grim realizes, perking up, especially as Ezera scratches his chin.

"If we haven't heard anything at this point, doesn't that mean we failed?" Deuce then says, ready to accept defeat.

"We should still wait a bit longer." Ezera says, more positive. At that moment, something came whizzing by and stuck itself in the nearby wall.

"WAAAHHHHH??!!" Everyone screams in shock and fear.

"Wh-What the hell?! The hell just flew by?!" Ace exclaims.

"I felt that whoosh right by my nose guys!" Deuce follows after.

"A-An arrow came flying through the window and is now stuck in the wall!" Ezera says in shock while looking at said arrow in the nearby wall.

"Ffnga! An arrow?! Is there an assassin out for our heads?! It's that woman with the broom isn't it! I knew she would come back to finish the job!" Grim frets.

"No idea what you're talking about, but I doubt it's that... Though, who exactly would be after us?! Wait, hold on! There's a letter tied to the arrow." Ace states then notices.

"A letter?! Someone looking for a duel?!" Deuce says, looking fired up.

"Dude, you gotta quit making everything into a fight. Though with our luck, it probably is. Probably from that crazy fan club. Let's see..." The auburn haired boy says as he takes the letter off the arrow and opens it up.

"...'Thank you very much for participating in the audition for the Vocal & Dance Championship. After a long and hard deliberation process, Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade, the two of you have passed the audition. Furthermore, please make your way to the Pomefiore ballroom today after classes have adjourned'...Huh?" He reads aloud to the others then says.

"...Passed?" Deuce questions, the information not quite sinking in.

"WHAAAAAAAAAATTTT???!!!" Everyone but Ezera exclaims.

"P-P-Passed means that we've been picked as two of the representatives, right?" The blue haired boy asks, still in shock.

"What else would it mean? Hooray! Now I don't have to spend my time helping Riddle." Ace states and says in relief.

"Ffgnaaa?! What about me and Ezera? We put on such an agile performance!" Grim says teary-eyed, the said Romani petting his head in comfort, admittedly a little disappointed he wasn't chosen to participate.

"Oh, wait. There's more to the letter." The heart boy says. "...'P.S. We'd also like to extend a special invitation to the Dorm Leader of Ramshackle, Ezera Hearn and his sole resident, Grim. We have an announcement for you, so please accompany the two mentioned above to Pomefiore'... There you go." He reads.

"I wonder what that could be." Ezera wonders.

"Anyway, we should all go to Pomefiore after class gets out." Deuce says.

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