~Chapter 1-6: Heritage and History~

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After leaving the school kitchen, Deuce led Ezera, with Grim on his shoulder, out and along the main street until they came to a small hut-like house in a somewhat private area of the school ground. Upon entering the structure, the trio found an exotic-looking place with all sorts of items on display.

"Pardon us... Wow, this place is amazing. There's a crystal skull, some grimoires... What kind of taxidermy is this?" Deuce says while looking at some of the displays.

"Woah... Do they really sell whip cream here?" Grim questions while also looking around in awe.

"Hello there! My little lost demons, how's it going?" The three jumps as a fourth person appears from seemingly nowhere. They turn to see a young man with dark skin tone painted with skeleton makeup, dressed in an odd purple suit with a top hat with a skull decoration on it and a tooth necklace around his neck.

"Fgna!!" Grim exclaims and jumps into Ezera's arms. "You scared me!" He says to the mysterious man.

"Welcome to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. Call me, Sam, what can I do for you today? A charm from lands uncharted? The mummy of an ancient king? Or how about a deck of cursed tarot cards?" The man, Sam, greets and starts offering.

"Oh, uh, I already have my own deck, so I don't need another one. Or any of that other stuff..." Ezera replies, a little awkwardly.

"Yeah, we just need what's written down on this list." Deuce quickly jumps in and shows the man the list of supplies they need.

"And some cans of tuna!" Grim adds excitedly, still in Ezera's hold.

"Oh, right! And some other food. Do you have all that?" Ezera agrees then asks.

"What's this? Whip cream, some eggs... Looks like a pretty sweet line-up." Sam says while reading over the list. "Ok! Coming right up. Along with that tuna and food." He says and goes to get the stuff.

"Woah... He really has them." Deuce says sounding both surprised and impressed. While waiting, Ezera decided to look around, finding many strange and interesting items displayed on the shelves. Somethings he recognized, and some he didn't.

"Hey there, sorry about the wait." Sam said as he reappears with bags of most likely items on their list, and possible then some. "It's a bit heavy, you got it? If you order now, you can get a 1/100 size floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off." He says and offers as he hands the teens the bags.

"What's that? It sounds cool!" Grim inquires, having jumped from Ezera's arms.

"Uh, we-we're fine! It's time to go, Grim!" Deuce says nervously, while paying Sam for their items.

"Ffnya! I wanna hang out more!" The fire-cat complains.

"He's right, Grim. We should get going." Ezera says while the feline grumbles.

"Hang on a sec, you... You wouldn't happen to be that young romani I've heard about, would you?" Sam suddenly called Ezera out and asks him.

"Uh, yes. I'm Ezera Hearn." The ravenette answers and introduces himself.

"I see! Crowley informed me and the other teachers about you. Got to say, it's a nice surprise to meet a fellow roma here at school." He says next.

"Huh? Wait, are you of the romani as well?" Ezera asks in surprised.

"Yes, though only a quarter on my grandmother's side, still I consider myself a proud member of the romani. It's a real pleasure meeting you. If you'd like, I can offer you employment here at my store with a weekly payment. We can discuss the finer details later." He says and offers.

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