~Chapter 3-9: Lion King Help the Outcasts~

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"Today, I'm going to have you help me clean Leona's room." Ruggie says when Ezera returned to the dorm building. Both he and Leona were waiting for him in the lion's room, Grim also waiting.

"Work to earn you keep, herbivores." The brunette lion says with a smug smirk.

"Worked to death by Azul and now worked to death by Leona... I'm dead on my feet here. Boohoohoo..." Grim grumbles and fake cries.

"First, you're gonna wanna gather up all the clothes strewn about into the laundry basket, then organize the stuff on his desk. Accessories go in this drawer, books over on that case. After putting everything away, wipe it down with a rag." Ruggie instructs them.

"One sec, are you alright Hummingbird? Your eyes are a little red." Leona stops and asks Ezera, who touches around his eyes, realizing they might still be a little puffy from his crying earlier.

"It's nothing..." He replies and proceeds to pick up the clothes, while Ruggie and Grim took care of the desk. Leona meanwhile, didn't look convinced.

"You know, you're not a kid. So at least clean up after yourself." Grim grumbles.

"Huh? You say something?" The lion asks, a fierce look on his face.

"Eeep... Nothing at all." The fire cat replies, intimidated. "Time to get this messy desk cleaned... Oh!? There's a bunch of expensive looking accessories just sitting here. And his wallet too!" He says then notices.

"If he's got this much, then he probably wouldn't notice if once went missing, right? It's his fault for being so defenseless. Heeheehee..." The feline giggles and goes to grab one of the accessories, but his anemone is grabbed by a certain hyena beastman.

"Stop that. That's the one I'm aft... no. He'll notice right away if it goes missing." Ruggie tells him, then turns to the Savanaclaw Dorm Leader. "Leona, I'm always telling you to stop leaving your valuables out in the open. It's too late if they get taken!" He scolds then says.

"Shut up. Are you my mom or something?" Leona waves off, annoyed. "It's not that big of a deal if it gets stolen. It doesn't matter what I do with it. If someone's got the guts to steal from me then go ahead." He states.

"I'm telling you that it is a big deal. It's the ones who treat money frivolously that cry over one madol. This what you get being raised with privilege..." Ruggie says annoyed. That got Ezera thinking.

Despite being out of it during the battle back in the VIP room, he did notice how Azul reacted when the vault was hit. Then he thought about what Tsunotaro told him earlier.

"Ah! That's it!!" He exclaims, startling the room occupants.

"Waah!! What happened?" Grim exclaims.

"Don't go shouting all of the sudden." Leona scolds.

"He puts them in the vault because they aren't invincible! He'd be in trouble if they got stolen!" Ezera explains.

"...Hah! Hahaha! That's it, now I see! You thought of something quite interesting." Leona laughs, amused.

"What? What do you mean by 'interesting'?" Grim asks, confused.

"In short..." Leona proceeds to explain.

"Oh, I get it! Now that we know the contracts' weak point we have to sneak into Octavinelle immediately now..." The grey feline says.

"There's just one more problem." Ruggie speaks up. "If your hunch is correct then the Leech brothers will be there to run interference. Honestly, you're going to need a better strategy for dealing with them than the vault, I think." He reminds.

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