~Chapter 3-8: Operation; Break into the Vault~

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The next day, the Ramshackle duo and Jack met up with the A-Deuce duo in the school hallway. Three sharing what Leona had told them last night.

"Search for a way to destroy the invincible contracts? Sounds good!" Ace says, whole-heartedly agreeing.

"It's true that might get us what we want. It's pretty cowardly, though." Deuce says, a little more reluctant.

"Shut up! This isn't a time for saying it's cowardly, you know! We only got two days left before we lose Ramshackle and Ezera will belong to Azul!" Grim exclaims and the Heartslabyul students look worried.

"Speaking of cowardly, Azul himself is doing the same. He told us to get a photo from the ocean and planned to get in our way the entire time." Jack then states. "Leona-senpai may be cowardly but he's still the 'genius command tower'. I think it's worth a shot." He adds.

"The word 'cowardly' is starting to not sound like a word..." Deuce comments.

"Oouuuh... Just the memory of being chased by the twins underwater is making my skin crawl..." Grim whimpers, slumped on Ezera's shoulder.

"A contest of speed... Grr, I could beat them if you could ride a magical wheel underwater!" The spade boy growls.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. But still... merfolk, huh. The Leech brothers are moray eels but I wonder what Azul is like in the ocean." Ace then asks.

"I'm actually curious about that myself..." Ezera admits, while absentmindedly scratching Grim on his head.

"Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure Leona-senpai was calling him an 'octo-punk' before." Jack recalls.

"Does that mean his true form is an octopus merman?" Deuce guesses.

"Ffgna! If he gets more legs underwater then he seems even stronger than a moray eel!" Grim exclaims, a little panicked.

"That's why we're saying we should think of a way to fight them that doesn't involve going into the ocean." Jack states, a look of fury on his face.

"We have to find the contracts first. I wonder where Azul keeps them..." Ezera states then wonders.

"I'm very suspicious of that vault in the VIP room..." The wolf says.

"If that's decided then let's sneak into Octavinelle!" Grim declares.

"There shouldn't be anyone there since lunch break is before opening hours. Let's check it out." Deuce says in agreement and the group makes their way to the sea-themed dorm.

"An octo-mer...? I never really seen such a thing before. I wonder what Azul looks like..." Ezera thought, while following behind.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

"Right, clear. Left, clear. Alright guys, after me!" Grim announces as he checks for anyone before they go into the VIP room.

"It's true. It looks like nobody's here." Jack says as he and the others step in and make their way over to the vault.

"The vault has two authentication, a password and a key lock. That's a fairly tight security." Deuce observes. Yeah, that was a problem. Ezera then notices a small jar of paperclips on the desk top and takes one out.

"Hey, can you let me try something?" He asks and reshapes the clip.

"Huh? Sure." Deuce says and moves out of the way, allowing the boy to get close to the key lock, where he proceeds to stick the paper clip in it and start moving it.

"What are you doing?" Ace asks, watching both confused and curious.

"I learned how to pick locks a while back... When in doubt, use what you know." The ravenette replies. Jack looks surprised, but then his ear twitches and his facial expression turns alarmed.

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