~Chapter 5-8: Harmony/Disharmony~

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Ezera gasps as he opens his eyes to find himself in what appeared to be a flowery field near a dark forest and a distance away from a large castle in the distance. He stares in awe at the scenery, before jumping in fright upon hearing a shrill noise.

"That's a girl's scream!" He realizes and rushes towards the source to see a man, a hunter it appears, standing over a familiar girl, who was backed against some boulders, holding a knife. Ezera's eyes widen in horror. "No! Get away from her!" He yells and rushes between the man and girl, arms spread out to protect her.

"I can't... I can't do it." The hunter says in a broken tone as he drops the blade then falls to his knees. "I beg of you, Your Highness, please forgive me." He pleads, taking the girl's skirt in his hands, clearly remorseful.

"I...I don't understand!" Snow White says confused, then turns to Ezera. "And, who are you?" She asks him. Before the Romani could reply, the hunter speaks again.

"It's the queen... She's mad with jealously of your beauty, and will stop at nothing to be rid of you!" The man tells them and Ezera remembered the glaring queen he saw in his dream. "Young man, I beg of you, take the princess and run! Run away! Anywhere but here!" The man then pleads. Not needing to be told twice, the boy reaches over and takes Snow White by her hand.

"Hurry! Follow me!" He tells the princess and pulls into the dark forest to hide. "That wicked woman! I can't believe... Did she actually hire that man to kill this girl, just because she's prettier than her!?" He thought in horror as they make their way through the woods, only for them to get pulled apart and the boy loses his balance and barely catches himself before he falls.

But upon regaining his balance, he realizes he was no longer in the forest. Instead, he was in a dark stone chamber, full of strange items, such as books and science-y stuff like from the school lab.

"I've been tricked!" A voice growls and he turns to see the said queen holding a glass of strange bubbling liquid. "Transform my beauty into a peddler's cloak. Now...begin thy magic spell." She says and drinks the mysterious concoction. To Ezera's horror, she then transform into an old hag shrouded in a dark cloak. "A perfect disguise. And now a special death...for one so fair." She says with a wicked cackle in her now aged voice.

"Is beauty really worth being so cruel?" Ezera thought, when the woman turns to him and he flinches back at her gaze. Her eyes narrow and she approaches him. The boy's eyes shake in fear as he backs away, when the now hag reaches for him, he turns to run, only to trip and fall down.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

Ezera was jolted out of his dream upon feeling an intense pain in his shoulder. He hisses as he opens his eyes, realizing he fell out of bed, landing on said shoulder in the process. He weakly up reaches and clutches said shoulder, wincing in pain.

"Ezera! Oh no! Are you okay!?" Grim exclaims upon seeing the Roma on the floor.

"What happened? I heard a crash... Oh my goodness, Hearn!" The two look up to see Vil standing in the doorway with a horrified expression. He immediately runs over to the boy and helps him sit up. "Did you fall out of bed?" He asks.

"I...I guess... Ow..." Ezera manages to reply while hissing from the pain.

"Don't move too much. Come on, let's get some ice on that." Vil says and helps the boy stand up then leads him downstairs toward the kitchen area, a worried Grim following after them.

"Mggh! What are you doing!?" A familiar, muffled, voice says from the kitchen.

"May I present Trey's handmade apple pie! Since it's in your mouth that means you're in this with me." Another familiar voice declares with a mischievous tone. Wait a minute...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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