~Chapter 2-4: Start of Investigation~

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"The guy who hurt his leg should be in here somewhere..." Grim says as Ezera and he enter the school's infirmary. Ezera hadn't been in here since he first arrived at the school and now he got a better look at the place.

Looking around, his gaze lands on a couple of Heartslabyul students. One was on one of the infirmary beds, his knee wrapped in gaze while the other was sitting in a chair next to him. Ezera, with Grim on his shoulder, approaches them.

"Um hello, can we talk?" He greets, a little nervous, and the students turn to him.

"Huh? Oh, you're the guys from Ramshackle that were at the Unbirthday Party... Including the angel..." The one in the chair says.

"Wait, seriously? Score!" The injured one cheers, his previously glum expression quickly brightening upon seeing the ravenette.

"Oh-ho! Look how famous we are!" Grim says with pride.

"Um... If it's not too much trouble, we'd like to ask you about how you got injured." Ezera says, not wanting to sound rude.

"You're worried about me? That's actually a comfort. Truth is, I don't get it either. He and I were just talking... Then before I knew it, I'd fallen down the stairs." The injured student says and recounts.

"Yeah. It wasn't even like he stumbled or slipped or anything of the sort." The other student adds.

"It was almost like my body just kind of leapt forward on its own... I can't really put it into words well." The injured one says. "What sucks is that I won't be able to play in the tournament now... But, getting a visit from you does make me feel better." He adds with a blush.

"Okay. I hope you get better. We have to go now." Ezera with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, we have some other people to talk to." Grim says and the two leave.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

"Hey, hey. You got hurt pretty bad not too long ago, right? Tell us about it." Grim demanded as they enter a classroom and approach two Pomefiore students.

"Huh? And who're you guys exactly?" The one who'd been injured says, annoyed.

"He's already upset that he can't participate in Magift in top condition right now!" The guy next to him says.

"How dare you rub salt on someone else's wounds like that. For that, I challenge you! Pick up the glove!" The first one says, taking off his glove and tossing it in front of Grim. Ezera quickly steps in, pulling Grim away from the two.

"I'm sorry, Grim is pretty tactless. He didn't mean any insult." He apologizes while bowing, then notices the boy's ungloved hand was burnt. "Your hand, did you burn yourself recently? It looks painful." He inquires.

"Huh? Uh, yes... Wait, aren't you the romani freshman?" The burnt one asks.

"Oh yeah, the new prefect of Ramshackle! Wow, I can't believe you're not in Pomefiore with us..." The second guy says, a slight blush on his face. Ezera then takes out a handkerchief in his pocket and used his magic to cool it.

"Here, this should help. It must still burn..." He says, wrapping the cloth around the burn scar.

"Th-thank you..." The injured student says with a blush. "Mm... Okay, I'll tell you what happened." He then complies.

"It happened in the laboratory. Out of nowhere, he suddenly grabbed a pot of boiling potion with his bare hands and ended up throwing the whole class into an uproar. Then he went and knocked over the pot all over the counter. I was sure shocked!" The second student proceeded to explain.

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