~Chapter 3-6: Under the Coral Sea~

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Upon opening his eyes, Ezera found himself floating total darkness. He couldn't make out anything and felt strangely weightless. Just then, a trickle of light washes in, illuminating the area and he was horrified. It appeared to be a cave underwater with small horrible creatures stuck to its walls.

"Come in my sweet princess." A honeyed voice calls and the mermaid from last time swims into the cave. "I came here because I just love people so much." The same voice says and he turns to see a heavy-set woman with octopus legs where her torso, or mermaid tail, should be.

"Here's the deal; I'll make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. You have to make that prince fall in love with you in that time." The octopus lady says, the two eels from before by her side.

"And there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment. What I want from you is, your voice!" The lady says next, as a scroll appears before the mermaid. "Go ahead and sign the scroll! I'll help you, you poor unfortunate soul!" She then urges and the girl signs the contract with a fish bone pen.

"What is going on?" Ezera thought confused as the scenery began to fade away. "Huh!?" He then exclaims as he feels something grab hold of him.

He looks down to see a black tentacle wrapped around his ankle, which quickly began slithering up his leg and was joined by another, then another. He struggles as the tentacles wrap and slither around his form, tightening to the point he felt his breath being constricted.

"You, will, be, mine!" A voice from behind him says and he didn't even have the means to scream as a tentacle wraps around his mouth and throat.

~*Twisted Wonderland*~

"Leona! Let him go!" A voice shouts and Ezera snaps open his eyes, but his vision was fuzzy and he felt his breathing blocked by something tight holding his middle. In his head, he begin to panic a little. "Leona!!!" The voice from before shouts.

"Five more minutes..." A lazy voice replies and Ezera felt the hold on him tighten.

"Alright! That's it!" The first voice says and the Roma felt whatever was holding him give away, along with hearing a heavy thump, and he felt air rush into his lungs. He sits up and starts coughing violently as breathing slowly come back to him, while also feeling something pat him on the back.

"Oww... What was that for, Ruggie? That was rougher than usual..." He heard someone say with a groan.

"I should be you asking that? Why was Fox-kun in your bed? And what the hell were you doing?! You were almost choking him to death!" The first voice says and Ezera's vision clears to reveal Ruggie leaning down next to him, his hand on his back as he was gagging a little.

"Oh? Oh... Sorry Hummingbird, I guess I must've been holding you too tightly..." The second voice, revealed to be Leona currently sitting on the floor, looking genuinely guilty.

"Pah! Thanks! Somehow Leona had rolled on top of me while sleeping..." Grim says, himself in the same condition as Ezera.

"That explains why I dreamed about being choked..." The ravenette says. "But where did the mermaid part come from?" He added in thought.

"Anyways, you two should get up and wash your faces. We got practice pretty soon." Ruggie says next.

"Huh? But it's still only 6:00!" Grim exclaims, looking at the time.

"Here in Savanaclaw, we have magift practice in the morning. As long as you're staying here you're gonna join in." The hyena boy explains.

"Wha... Morning magift practice?" The fire feline asks.

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