~Chapter 1-3: Lunchtime Activities~

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"Finally! Lunchtime!" Grim cheered as the group enters the cafeteria, which was currently packed with students, reminding Ezera why he ate outside last time. He looks up to see the newly restored chandelier hanging strong and shinning bright. Which was honestly a big relief.

"Uwah! Everything here looks so tasty!" A certain feline exclaims snapping the boy back to reality.

"It still surprises me that's it a full buffet." Ezera comments awestruck.

"Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken, and bacon egg tarts!" The fiery feline practically screams, startling the trio near him.

"Gah! You're too loud! You're only this excited when food is involved..." Ace says.

"Hey, hey, Ezera, I want grilled chicken! It's the last one!" Grim says while tugging at Ezera's pant leg. "Oh! And omurice, too! Bread with jelly, too! Just take a bunch of everything!" He kept demanding as they made it down the buffet line.

"Alright, alright, easy Grim, I'm getting it-Ah!" Ezera says as he picks up the dishes then suddenly collides with something, actually someone.

"Argh! Hey, watch it! Because of you the egg in my pasta broke!" A rough-looking student with silver hair exclaims, causing Ezera to flinch back.

"Woah, woah~... Breaking the gooey yolk is the best part of eating carbonara." A pinkish red-haired student said from next to the silver-haired one. Both of them looked like bad news.

"How do you plan to pay for this?" The silver-haired one asks as he leans in close towards Ezera. "Hmm... I know, hand over that grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even." He says while reaching for the chicken plate.

"What?! Hell no! That's my chicken!" Grim exclaims, getting in between Ezera and the taller boy.

"Eh? Not showing your senpai respect as freshman? Come around back and we'll set you straight!" The pink haired student says then shouts.

"S-senpai, settling personal squabbles with magic is prohibited..." Deuce speaks up, a little nervously.

"What squabble? This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!" The first delinquent states.

"W-wait, please! I'm very sorry about the egg... I can buy you another if you'd prefer." Ezera quickly intervenes, apologizing then offers.

"Huh? Hmm... Hey, now that I get a good look at you, you're quite a pretty one." The silver-haired one comments. "Oh, I know, you're that gypsy that everyone's been talking about." He says next and the boy flinches.

"Heh, you're right. In that case, why don't we just take you to the back and we can settle this whole thing?" The pink-haired one suggests while touching the dark-haired boy's chin, making him shutter as he knew their implications well.

"Hey! Back off!" Ace shouts getting in between Ezera and the two delinquents.

"Yeah, that's enough." Deuce says stepping in as well.

"You want to mess with someone? Mess with us!" Grim exclaims.

"Hoh? Really? Alright then..." The silver-haired boy says, looking ready to fight.

"In that case, you better grit your teeth!" The pink-haired one says next and the fight begins. Ace stood behind with Ezera while Deuce and Grim take care of the two bullies, which thankfully didn't take too long.

"Grr... You're better than expected..." The first one says, out of breath.

"My pasta's getting soggy so I'll let off this time!" His companion says and the two take off with their tails between their legs.

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