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The Dark One was a wizard created by the Demon Demona during the beginning of the First Age at the end of the Years of the Gods. Hadrian grows up with a human family in Westrose but soon realises his powers and he is sent away and banished by the King Harold the first of Westrose. Great Grandfather of Aranel of Westrose. He comes to become the most evil and most powerful Wizard of Shivanna. In the middle of the First Age, year 1000, he marries his wife Eudora, Daughter Of a noble man of Westrose. Because of that choice, Eudora is cast out of her family by her father. Eudora in the end comes to fall for the evil Wizard and things between them becomes even better when she gives birth to their first child, a son, in a little beginning of the Second Age of Shivanna and they name him Aldon. Some years later in the Middle of the Second Age, Eudora gives birth to her second son. She names him Emersion. Her second son, unlike Aldon who has his father's dark brown hair and blue eyes, has her golden hair and green eyes. What she does not know, is that Emersion before he was born was injected with Adrienne's demon blood by his own father, Hadrian. And little does she know that her son is to become one of the greatest wizards and Demon Hunter, and one of the most legendary people Shivanna has ever known.

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