Chapter 6:~The Ceremony~

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Celine tucked Emersion into bed and softly kissed him Goodnight on the forehead. "Goodnight, Emersion," she said gently. Emersion let out a tired sound. "Goodnight, mother," Emersion said sleepily. His words caused Celine to look up a little bit shocked but happy. "Goodnight, my son," she whispered softly before leaving his chambers, closing the door behind her.

Hadrian smiled wickedly as he with his magic watched his son from his lair in the Dark Lands. It was finally time for him to pay his younger son a visit. And his Demon Hunter Ceremony was the perfect time.

Emersion woke up early two days later to Celine entering his chambers. "Time to raise and shine, young Demon Hunter!," she announced, "Today is your big day," Emersion sat up in his bed and sighed sleepily. "Mother, it's so early," he sighed. Celine smiled and walked over to him. "You're going to be a Demon Hunter. You're going to need to get up early in the morning once you've completed your training," she explained and left the room.

The other Demon Hunters watched Emersion with proud and gentle smiles as he walked over to Samira who stood with Eiran and Celine at the altar. "Emersion Darkeast, do you solemnly swear to protect Shivanna and it's people from evil. Darkness, evil and demons alike?," Samira asked. "I solemnly swear so to do," Emersion said, "And by the Gods and Queen Adrienne, I take this mark to honour them," Aldon smiled softly towards his brother and Samira took out her Eldstar and drew the Demonic Rune on the inside of Emersion's left arm. "Emersion Darkeast, you are now a full filled Demon Hunter," Samira announced, "Keep the angels by your side," Emersion smiled and Celine gently hugged Emersion. Davina, Blake and the other young Demon Hunters walked over to Emersion except Tristan and his friends who felt more like jealousy towards Emersion who they thought had stolen their popularity. Aldon walked over to his brother and hugged him. "Congratulations, brother," Aldon smiled. Emersion hugged his brother back. "Thank you, Aldon," he said. "What a wonderful sight!," Hadrian interrupted, "Congratulations, Emersion," Emersion looked towards his father and Samira stepped forward. "What is it you want?," she asked angrily. Hadrian smiled wickedly and bowed his head slightly. "Dear Samira, I am only here for my sons," he announced, "Emersion, come with me now. This isn't what you want," "You don't know what I want!," Emersion exclaimed angrily, "Father, has you ever once asked me or Aldon what we want? At least I am not you. I cannot tell for my brother. But I don't think he is like you either," And Aldon looked at his brother and nodded at him supportingly. "Well, obviously," Hadrian continued, "I've had over thousand years of practice! You get there!," "No! I will not!," Emersion snapped, "And I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself," Hadrian felt his anger rise and looked at his sons in rage. "I know one thing, young man. You two have no room for your brother friendship in your immortal lives!," he exclaimed. Emersion looked at him angrily and held out his hand. "And now I command you to leave!," he exclaimed and sent his father backwards with his magic and Hadrian landed on his back on the hard floor. Hadrian stood up angrily and looked towards his sons and smiled wickedly. "One day, Emersion!," he exclaimed, "One day you two will come back and you will see that I am right!," And he disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke.
Aldon looked at his brother and Samira walked over to them. "Emersion Darkeast," she said, "You have really proven yourself worthy to The Hawk Clave of your title as a Demon Hunter. And we will do our best to make sure you'll get to meet your brother as much as you want," And Emersion smiled. "Thank you, madam Samira," he said. "Thank you," Samira smiled.

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