Chapter 3:~Broken child~

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Emersion twisted and turned in his bed and cried in his sleep. "NO! NO, MOTHER!,"
He screamed, crying, "No! Don't leave me!," The candle on his nightstand started flickering and the room started reacting to his magic.

Alana walked to her parents chambers after have woken up by Emersion's cries and she entered and walked over to her parents bed. "Mother?," she said anxiously, "Emersion is crying. Celine sighed and sat up in the bed and Eiran got out of bed and lifted their daughter into his arms. "Go and check on Emersion and I go getting our daughter back to bed," he explained and Celine nodded.

Celine didn't blame Emersion for missing his home and she understood it was hard to sleep. It was his first night in his new room and bed. She slowly opened the door and stepped into his room. She slowly walked over to Emersion who was twisting and turning in the bed as he was crying in his sleep. As she feared from the beginning. Emersion was having nightmares. She slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and placed a soft hand on his shoulder. "Emersion," she said softly, "My child, wake up. It's just a bad dream," Emersion opened his eyes that were filled with tears that streamed down his cheeks. He stared at Celine and she smiled at him softly. He quickly sat up in the bed and backed away from her with fear in his eyes. "Emersion," Celine said softly, "Child, it's just me," Emersion looked at her, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please don't...," he sobbed. Celine wanted so badly to take Emersion into her arms and embrace him tightly, but she did not want to push him to come to her either. "Emersion," she said softly. Emersion looked up at her and Charline held out her arms for him. Emersion looked at her frightened and confused. "Come," Celine said softly, "We'll take it slowly. In your pace," Emersion slowly moved towards her. He had not seen anyone with open arms to embrace him since his mother died. He looked up at Celine who nodded softly with a smile at him. She carefully took him into her arms and embraced him tightly but softly, and she carefully stroked his short golden blonde hair. Emersion stilled in her embrace for a few minutes before he finally relaxed and began breathing shakily and slowly. "Shh, it's alright," Celine whispered softly. Emersion then started crying again. "It's alright, my child. Let your pain out," Celine said soothingly. Emersion soon started hugging her back. Celine stroked his hair and sighed softly as she held back her own tears. The thought of Hadrian never even embracing his son made her heart break. "Emersion, can you tell me why you are so afraid of physical contact?," she asked carefully, not expecting him to answer. Emersion looked up at her as Celine slowly broke their hug. "Father never embraced me. He said love is weakness and that I wasn't worthy of his approval or embrace because I wasn't like him," he explained, "I cannot be evil like him and he calls me weak for that. I just wanted the attention he gives my older brother Aldon but... I am not worthy...," He took a deep breath before he continued, "Aldon and I never sees each other except when father is not home. He doesn't even come to my room anymore. He never even ask me how I feel. I am alone back home. Father has never cared to even talk to me. Only times he do, is when I have magic practice with him. And I don't anymore because I have passed and are able to control my magic myself now and I can use it perfectly in every time I need to whatever context," he finished sadly. Celine looked at him sadly and carefully wiped away his tears. "Remember, Emersion," she began, "With us, you'll never have to be ashamed of who or what you are. And we will always love and support you for you," Eiran entered the chambers and walked over and sat down behind Emersion in the bed and gently stroked his back comfortingly. He was surprised when Emersion did not pull away. "Shall you try to get some more sleep now?," he asked, "You need sleep if you shall be able to go out tomorrow," Emersion looked up at him and smiled weakly. "Yes, Sir," Celine looked at her husband. "Emersion, you do not have to call me that," Eiran explained, "You may not want to call me father but Eiran is enough," he finished gently, "And same with Celine," Emersion smiled, "Goodnight then," Celine smiled and tucked him in again. "Goodnight, my child," she said softly and kissed his forehead which Emersion only smiled to. Celine and Eiran then left the room and closed the door behind them and Emersion soon fell asleep again. And for once in a very long time, he felt happy and loved.

Next day, Emersion came with Celine and Eiran who would show him more around. They came into the training ground inside the Demon Hunters Western Base. Emersion looked towards the boy at his age who was shooting arrows at a few arrow boards. Celine and Eiran smiled and walked away to talk alone, leaving Emersion alone with the boy. Suddenly, an arrow hit the wooden pillar by Emersion. "Woah!," Emersion said and the boy looked at him nervously. Emersion walked towards the boy around his age and held up his hands. "Same side," he explained with a weak smile. "You must be the new guy," The boy said, "My parents said you weren't coming until tomorrow," Emersion smiled weakly. "Well, I am here now," he said a bit shy. The boy nodded and smiled. "I'm Blake," he introduced. "Emersion," Emersion said with a smile. Blake held out his hand to greet him and Emersion swallowed nervously. "It's a Demon Hunter greeting," Blake explained and Emersion held out his hand and Blake grabbed his arm gently and instructed Emersion to do the same with his arm that he had grabbed. Emersion smiled and did as he asked and Blake smiled. "That's the Bounded Sibling chest," he explained, "Maybe you someday get to do it with your sibling," And Emersion swallowed and looked down. 'If only it was so,' he thought sadly. He walked over to the table with weapons. "You know it's all about confidence," he began, "The aim," And Blake looked up at him confused. Emersion grabbed a small Demon Hunter knife and threw it at a target and hit the middle. Blake gasped in impression and Emersion smiled. "Emersion," Celine interrupted sternly but gently. Emersion turned around and walked over to Celine who had a another young woman at her side. Celine smiled and turned to the woman beside her. "Emersion, this is Samira, head of The Demon Hunters and the Hawk Clave. Also head of all the Demon Hunters Bases," And Emersion nodded and looked up at Samira. "Mistress," he said politely. Samira smiled and squatted down before him. "Emersion Darkeast, you are welcome and you do not have to call me that. I have a special treaty for the children. They only need to call me Samira," Emersion smiled weakly and he was surprised when Samira hugged him lightly. "Now young Demon Hunter. Let's begin your training," she explained.

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