Chapter 6:~The Good Council~

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Charline arrived to Vildalion for the first time in a long time and Thelmar greeted her with kindness. As did Dior Starlight and they all sat down on their chairs as the round council table. "Shivanna is threatened," Tarmac declared, "Hadrian's power grows every day. With every day this evil will grow and if we do not do anything, we will soon be defeated," Dior sighed and cleared his throat. "Lustillia is protecting the northern borders as well as they can with help of King Evindal," he explained, "But we don't know what Hadrian's next move might be," Charline sighed and Silvianna turned towards Charline. "You know something?," she asked worriedly. Charline sighed and shook her head. "I only know that his nest is in The Dark Lands. That's what Emersion told me. For what it sounds, he hates his father," Gideon turned towards Charline suspiciously. "Charline, you have to dig deeper," Tarmac ordered, "Make him talk more about his past and his father's power. A war is coming. Orotakas and Demon wolves are growing in number," And Charline sighed and nodded. "I will do what I can,"

Gideon later walked through the empty corridors of Vildalion when he heard sobbing and he found Charline standing in a garden, crying. "Charline, what's wrong, My Lady?," he asked gently. Charline turned towards him and smiled weakly. "Nothing," she lied, "I should really keep going. I can't let my duty wait, can I?," And she hurried down the corridor.

Well back in her realm, Charline stormed into her chambers and threw herself into her bed, crying. She loves Emersion with all her heart. She needed to tell him the truth. She did not care of what he would do to her. She couldn't lie anymore. She loves him with all her heart. "Charline, my love, you're crying," Emersion's voice suddenly interrupted. She knew he had entered her chambers through the balcony as before and she began crying even more as she felt him gently stroking her hair, sitting down on the bedside by her side. "Charline, what's wrong?," he asked softly. Charline slowly sat up to look at him. Emersion slowly wiped away the tears that run down her cheeks. "Tell me, what's wrong?," he asked softly. Charline shook her head and sobbed. "I've done something terrible to you," she cried. Emersion looked at her confused. "I don't understand," he explained, "What do you mean?," Charline looked up at him. "The Stars came to Shivanna to help the people against The Dark Ones," she explained, "We choose each one to infiltrate. I chose you. I didn't mean for it to go this far... But then, I fell in love with you. I love you," she finished. Emersion looked at her both angry but also hurt. "I love you, Emersion," Charline cried, "And I understand if you're going to kill me now...," She was cut off by Emersion kissing her deeply on the lips. "I would never hurt you," he declared, "I love you, Charline Maralíel. I do not care of what anyone say. I want to be with you forever," Charline smiled weakly and hugged him tightly. "I love you too," she whispered softly back. Emersion kissed her deeply and they fell into the bed.

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