Chapter 2:~The Christening~

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Two years later, Emersion and Charline stood with the people of Shivanna that had gathered in the great hall of Lustillia castle. Their children Aldon and Shaylee was at their side and Charline had their baby daughter Eudora in her arms. Tarmac smiled towards the King and Queen of Lustillia who came walking towards the altar with their newborn daughter Elora in their arms.
Emersion and Charline smiled towards The King and Queen Of Lustillia as Tarmac blessed their daughter Elora. "In spiritus eldavir silvira, Elora Starlight, Crown Princess Of Lustillia," Tarmac pronounced and the crowd clapped and Tarmac placed baby Elora back in Edrahil's wife Shaylee's arms. Tarmac nodded for Charline and Emersion to come over so he could proclaim the ceremony of naming them
Elora's Godparents. "Enspiratus echa vimin, Emersion Darkeast and Charline Maralíel," he pronounced and Shaylee smiled. Charline gently took Elora's tiny baby hand and Shaylee carefully handed her daughter into The White Witch's arms. Charline smiled softly down at Elora and Emersion smiled at his wife. Charline handed Shaylee her daughter and Edrahil smiled and took his daughter into his arms and turned towards his people. "Your future Queen, Elora Starlight!," he announced and the people clapped and Callon smiled brightly towards his friends.

Shaylee smiled softly towards her daughter who had fallen asleep in her father's arms when they sat in the dining hall for the dining feast a while later. "I don't think our little Vynithel Princess is enjoying her feast," she smiled and Edrahil looked down at his sleeping daughter and let out a small laugh at his wife's comment. The happiness of the Starlight couple could not be doubtable. Both Emersion and Charline were happy to see that Edrahil had come so far into his reign and Lustilla was now a much better and peaceful place since he had taken over after his hateful, brokenhearted father Aranel The Magnificent (Aranel Starlight) Phalo slowly made his way over to his cousin and Edrahil looked up at him. His happiness quickly disappeared once he saw the look in his cousin's face. "Phalo, what's wrong?," he asked worriedly in a slow tone. Phalo sighed deeply and looked down at his cousin. "An attack has happened in the town of Carla," he explained. Edrahil sighed. "Hímdargs?," he questioned. "Demon wolves. I'm afraid so, cousin," Phalo explained, "But no signs of Orotakas," Edrahil nodded, "Send out soldiers to search the nearby towns. We must be ready to protect Lustillia. Especially the citadel at all costs," Phalo nodded.

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