Chapter 2:~The Necklace~

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Charline woke up in her chambers early this morning. It had now been three weeks since Emersion had saved her from the Demon wolves and she had recently sent message to the other Stars that she had found Emersion and that he strangely seemed to show interest in her. She looked towards her nightstand and noticed a necklace with a sapphire laying on it. Where had she gotten that? If not... Emersion had given it to her? She got out of bed and put on a dark blue long dress with trailer and silver details. She looked down at the necklace and sighed before putting it on along with a pair of silver earrings. She left her chambers and left for the dining hall.

She sat alone in the dining hall, drinking her tea, eating her breakfast while looking at some documents and papers from other kingdoms of Shivanna. One of the kingdoms being Lustillia. The Light Elves Kingdom. She had not met its rulers. She had only met Dior's ambassador. She needed to focus on her duty. She couldn't just sit here and wait for him. What was she thinking? The first meeting of the realms where to happen next month.

She finished her breakfast and left for her beautiful garden. "I am sorry, My Lady. I needed to see you again," a voice interrupted. Charline turned around surprised and saw Emersion standing behind her. He looked at and walked over to her. Charline sighed and looked up at him. "I didn't think I would see you again," she admitted softly. Emersion smiled and gently stroked her hair and placed his hand on her necklace. "I said you may see me again," he explained. Charline looked at him knowingly. "You gave me the necklace," she stated. "Don't you like it?," he asked, "I thought it might suit you," Charline looked up at him and smiled weakly. "I love it," she said gently in a slow uncertainly tone. Emersion gently stroked her hair and Charline pulled away from his touch. This was so wrong and so forbidden. He wasn't supposed to get so close to her but her heart was allowing him to. She could not start falling in love with him now, could she? She just couldn't no matter how badly she wanted to. Emersion sighed and looked down. "I should go. I have some things to do," And he left. Charline felt tears welling up in her eyes. Why?! Why was she feeling so connected with him!? Why was she feeling desire for him!? He is a Dark One! An evil! A darkness of darkness! She knew they could never be! He's a half demon and she is a Star! A creation of the Gods of Solania! Her job and duty is to help the people of Shivanna to defeat him, his father and brother. But with Emersion, there was something different. He was different.

Emersion swallowed nervously as he entered his father's nest in The Dark Lands. He hadn't been here since his mother died. And he hadn't seen Aldon in a very long time either. And now he was almost over two thousand years old. He sighed in relief and walked towards his old chambers when Hadrian entered the hall and showed up behind him. "So it's finally time to come home?," he asked angrily. Emersion swallowed and turned towards his father. "Yes, it is," he answered simply. Hadrian smiled wickedly and walked over to his son. Emersion was not surprised when his father slapped him hard on the cheek. "YOU DARE TO COME BACK HERE AFTER HOW YOU BETRAYED ME ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!?," Hadrian exclaimed, "Tell me what you think it's the best punishment for you! Because I am feeling a hard desire to make you suffer," Emersion drew his Demon sword when his father's guards suddenly grabbed him from behind. "Father, please!," Emersion exclaimed, "I'm begging you!," Hadrian turned towards his younger son angrily. "Real Dark One's do not beg. You are as worthless and weak as you've always been, and you are not my son!," Emersion swallowed, tears building up in his eyes. "Take him to the dungeons!," Hadrian ordered. "Father! Please!," Emersion begged and the guards dragged him away before stripping him of his Demon Sword and knife. They then throw him into a dark cell and locked the door cell. "The cells are anti magic, Emersion. So you cannot escape," The Captain of the guard declared before leaving.

Emersion leaned his head against the left stone wall behind him in the cell and began to cry. "Aldon, please, help me," he cried.

Aldon stormed into his father's throne room. "Where is he? What have you done with my brother?," he exclaimed angrily. Hadrian looked up at his oldest son. "He is where he belongs. In the dungeons and there he will sit until I've decided what to do with him!," he answered coldly. Aldon looked at him angrily. "He is my Bounded brother!," he exclaimed, "You will let him go!," Hadrian snorted at his son. "And why would I do that?," he asked nonchalantly. Aldon looked at his father angrily. "Because he is innocent! He is your son! And he came back because he doesn't have anywhere else to go," Hadrian sighed and handed Aldon the keys to the dungeons. "Alright. He is my son after all despite that he is a real disappointment to me," Aldon grabbed the keys angrily. "You have no soul, Father," he snapped, "How in Eschallus did you get like this?," And he left the hall.

Emersion sat in his cell, crying when Aldon suddenly unlocked the door. Emersion stood up and smiled. "Brother," he said in relief. Aldon hurried over to him and hugged him tightly. "Emersion, what are you doing here? What happened?," Emersion sighed, "I messed it up, Aldon. I trusted the wrong person and many of my fellow Demon Hunters died for it," Aldon sighed and hugged his brother. "I'm so happy to see you again. I've missed you, Emersion," he explained. "I've missed you too," Emersion said. Aldon smiled, "Now let's get you cleaned up, little brother,"

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