Chapter 3:~Acts of War~

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90 years later, Elora had grown into a sixteen year old elf in human years and her beauty was beyond compare to both humans, dwarves and other elven kinds and the Leclitras. Her father had invited a noble man of Westrose named Kadir who had been one of the families that had suffered at his father's, Elora's grandfather's hands. It was until Kadir showed his true colours that Edrahil would realise what danger he was to his innocent young daughter who was still very, very young in the eyes of the other elves and fairies in her presence.

Elora stood in the garden alone when Kadir showed up behind her. "Lovely night," he spoke lowly. Elora turned towards and bowed her head a little. "My Lord," she greeted, "It is," And she glanced towards the back entrance of the castle. "My parents, the King and Queen are probably waiting for me," she began, "I should probably go," she began to leave when Kadir grabbed her by the waist and stopped her from leaving. "I've heard rumours of the Crown Princess of Lustillia," he began, "And the stories did not lie. You are more beautiful and attractive than I could have ever imagined!," Elora swallowed nervously as her fear grow. "Isn't that grip a little too tight, My Lord?," she asked in a trembling voice. Kadir smiled, "I think it's perfectly tight!," Elora swallowed and immediately pushed him away as he tried to go further and she hurried into the castle.
"My child, what's wrong?," her mother interrupted. Elora swallowed and turned towards her mother. "Namina...," she said trembling. Shaylee hurried over to her daughter and hugged her tightly. "Tell me, what's happened?," she asked her daughter worriedly. Elora swallowed and looked down.

After Kadir's close strange approach towards Elora, Edrahil immediately banished him from Lustillia permanently. He wanted that man as far away from his daughter as possible. So it came that Edrahil and Shaylee would travel to Lustillia's town Carla to discuss business with an old friend of their family, leaving Elora in charge of Lustillia for four days and Elora was going to have her first meeting with the rulers of Shivanna by herself with the help of her Godfather Emersion and her father's cousin Phalo.

Elora sat in the meeting hall, discussing things with the rulers of Shivanna. "We all welcome you to this meeting," Elora began, "Now let's begin discussions," And Eldrin and Faylinn smiled towards the young Light elf Princess.

Three nights later, Elora had gone to sleep in her chambers in her warm soft four poster bed with white silk covers. On the floor below laid the guest chambers and not so far laid her aunt Christian's temporarily chambers.
Meanwhile, outside the castle walls, Kadir and his men snuck into the castle. They would tonight kill The King and Queen of Lustillia in revenge of the King's actions against them.

Elora slept peacefully in her chambers when Kadir and his men disguised as guards broke into her chambers. She immediately sat up in the bed and looked at them confused. "What's going on?," she asked worriedly. "The guards have been attacked," One of the three men said. Elora immediately tried to get away once she noticed Kadir but one of the men grabbed her from behind and put his hand before her mouth as he held his knife against her neck. "Scream and I will kill you, do you understand?," he declared angrily in a low tone and Elora nodded quickly. "Your guards are dead, where are your parents?," Kadir asked. The man removed his hand from Elora's mouth and Elora swallowed. "They're away. I don't know where they are," she explained. Kadir turned to his second man. "Search the castle! Find the King and Queen!," he ordered and the man stormed out of the chambers. Kadir turned towards Elora. "If you keep quiet, you may survive long enough to watch your father die!," he declared and Elora swallowed in fear.

Edrahil and Shaylee sat in a tavern, eating. Shaylee looked up at her husband worriedly and she put a gentle hand on his. Edrahil looked up at her and Shaylee smiled. "Don't worry," she declared, "I'm sure our daughter is doing just fine," And Edrahil smiled and kissed her hand softly. "I'm sure you're right," he smiled, "She's a Starlight after all,"

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