Chapter 7:~Losing Your Memory~

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Emersion walked through the woods when Starlight showed up in front of him. "Starlight?," he asked confused, "My memories, they're fading," he explained confused, "Why?," And Starlight looked down at him sadly. "Because Charline is fading, so does your memories of her," The Fire ice dragon explained, "You're not meant to come with her, Emersion. That is not your destiny. She will sail and you shall forever be fated to walk the earth until your brother arise again," Emersion shook his head in protest. "That is not true!," he exclaimed, "I can save her and I come with her!," Starlight shook her head. "As I told you before, some lives has been foretold," she explained and Emersion felt tears welling up in his eyes and Starlight flew away.

Emersion looked down when he suddenly heard familiar voices. He looked up and saw his two oldest children. "Father!," Shaylee exclaimed and hurried over towards her father and hugged him tightly. Emersion broke the hug and looked at his children confused. "Aldon, Shaylee, what are you doing here?," he asked. Aldon and Shaylee looked at each other before turning towards their father. Aldon sighed deeply. "Father, mother is fading," he explained sadly, "She refuses to accept that she needs to sail because she doesn't want to leave you. I'm afraid you're the only one who can convince her to leave," And Emersion swallowed and looked down. "I know," he admitted, "As she is fading, so does my memory of her. My time in this Age is ending," Shaylee and Aldon looked at their father and Emersion sighed deeply. "At least I will convince her to leave," he explained, "I will not let her die," Aldon and Shaylee nodded and they set off back towards their parents kingdom.

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