Chapter 1:~Dreams~

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Charline was happy. She and Emersion had been together for a while now after Hadrian's defeat and she was so overjoyed that she was finally allowed to be with the man she loves more than anything. She had waited in over two thousand years for this day and now it had finally come true. After all they had been through to come this far, it was a happy moment for them both. This Feast of Light was proof of that. Since Aranel The Magnificent's death, things had been very hard on his son Edrahil who had recently succeeded his father and become King and his love and now wife Shaylee as his Queen. She thought it very cute and sweet that Edrahil's wife just happened to have the same name as hers and Emersion's daughter. Edrahil had taken good counsel in Emersion and he had already asked if they would be honoured to become their child's Godparents. They had answered that they would be most happy to be their child's Godparents. Edrahil was very sure that his and Shaylee's child would be a daughter as Gideon had predicted before his father's death. If it were to be a daughter, she would be the first Queen to rule Lustillia.
Emersion walked over to his wife and put his hands on her shoulders. "What are you thinking?," he asked gently. Charline sighed and looked up at her husband. "The world is lighter but the our time is fading," she said softly, "One day, we will leave these shores to to sail beyond the sea," Emersion smiled weakly at her and kissed the side of her forehead.

When Charline and Emersion later laid in their bed fast asleep, Emersion woke up to his own thoughts. He glanced aside towards the doors to the balcony. There was still dark outside and the moon was shining. He glanced aside towards his wife who slept peacefully beside him in their bed. Sometimes he wished that he could close off his dreams. He still did not understand why he had nightmares about things that happened thousands of years ago. He couldn't stop thinking of The Dragon Starlight's words at The Angelina Lake. "One day, Aldon will rise again" she had told him. When was that "One day" he wondered. He sighed and swept Charline into his arms and held her tightly before soon falling asleep again.

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