Chapter 4:~Confession~

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Charline sat in her chambers at her dressing table, taking off her earrings, making ready for bed when the balcony doors strangely opened. She stood up confused and looked towards the balcony. "Hello? Someone there?," she asked and Emersion showed up and entered the chambers through the balcony, closing the doors. "Emersion?," she asked confused, "What are you doing?...," She was cut off by Emersion kissing her lips deeply. She was completely shocked at first but then kissed back as she felt him gently grabbing her waist. Emersion broke the kiss and looked down at her. "I'm not going to hide my feelings any longer," he began, "Charline, I love you. I've loved you since we met. I knew that this was something special. That we could have something special," And he gently took her hand and kissed it. Charline stood up and smiled softly. Emersion looked at her and she slowly approached him, putting a hand on the back of his neck before kissing him softly on the lips. Emersion kissed her deeply back and stroked her back. "What do we do now?," he asked gently. Charline smiled and placed his hand on the necklace he had given him before taking his hand, guiding him over to her bed and she sat down on the edge. Emersion looked at her confused. "Charline?," he asked confused. "Just kiss me," she smiled. Emersion leaned down and kissed her deeply. Emersion fallowed her she laid down in the middle of the bed and he hovered over her and continued kissing her. Charline didn't know why she was letting her feelings do this to her. She moaned softly as Emersion softly dared to start kissing down her neck she put her hand softly in his hair. What scared her and angered her was how she could have made herself so vulnerable to him. She was only in her nightgown which maybe had not been the best idea. Emersion looked at her worriedly and sat up beside her in the bed. "Charline, I can clearly see that this isn't what you want," he explained, "Why do you push yourself into this?," Charline felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Because I am not supposed to be in love with you," she admitted, "You're a half demon, Emersion. I am a Star. A creation by the Gods. No matter how much I love and want you, I can't," Emersion pulled her closer to him and softly kissed her on the lips and Charline turned away from him. "I love you," he whispered softly, "Please, don't. It is not your duty that decides who you love, it's you," And Charline looked at him and sighed. "I wished it was that simple. I cannot do this. Please go," Emersion sighed and stood up before disappearing into the night and Charline broke out into tears and started to sing,

Why do I hide?
Why do I feel like this for you
When I know it will only break my heart
Though I know our love is wrong, I cannot help but feeling what I feel for you
So please, do not break my heart

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