Chapter 8:~The Hard Truth~

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Charline laid in her and Emersion's chambers. She had been sleeping for these last two days and she had eaten but a little bit of what she had been served. She was interrupted from her thoughts by a gentle knock on the doors. "Come in," she said gently. Emersion entered their chambers and Charline immediately sat up. "Emersion!," she exclaimed happily. Emersion sat down on the edge of her side of the bed and Charline threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Charline, I have to tell you something," he began and broke the hug. Charline looked at him confused. "What is it?," she asked worriedly. Emersion sighed and looked up at her. "You have to sail," he declared, "Your time has come," And Charline shook her head in protest. "No!," she said, "I cannot leave you! I want to stay with you!," Emersion sighed and shook his head. "I doesn't matter if you stay," he said sadly, "My memories of this life are fading. It has already started. Soon, I won't remember you," Charline looked at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "But I will remember you," she cried. Emersion smiled weakly at her. "There's no sorrow in Elornia," he explained, "You will be happy," "That's not true!," Charline protested, "I will still remember you. I love you," Emersion looked at her, "This is my destiny not yours. Even if I don't remember you, I will always be in your heart," And he gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "I will fallow you on your last journey," he promised, "I will stay with you the time we have left," And Charline hugged him tightly.

They both cried in each other's arms and held each other tightly that night.

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