Chapter 1:~First Meeting~

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Charline walked through the woods alone and she smiled weakly when she came into a beautiful clearing. Her glimmering white dress trailer dragged behind her and she wore her dark brown hair realised. She squatted down at the crystal blue lake in the clearing and she slowly drank some fresh water. She stood up quickly when she suddenly heard a strange sound. "Hello? Someone there?," she asked blankly. She took a step closer to the bushes where the sound was coming from and suddenly, demon wolves showed up and surrounded her. Charline backed backwards against the stone wall behind her and she raised her hand. "Leave me alone!," she exclaimed in fear and a wolf jumped towards and managed to cut the Star in the arm. She yelped out in pain. She had no idea what to do and how she should defend herself. She slowly sank to her knees and started screaming in fear.

Emersion walked through the woods with his Demon Sword in hand when he was suddenly interrupted by a loud womanly scream. He immediately run after the scream and he swallowed when he saw a young woman under the attack by Demon Wolves and he drew his blade. "Hey!," he exclaimed. The Demon wolves turned their attention towards Emersion and Emersion smiled teasingly and then attacked and killed the wolves. Charline gasped in shock and fear. Emersion put away his sword and held out his hand to her. "My Lady," he said gently. Charline gently took his hand and Emersion helped her up. Charline swallowed when she saw the rune on his neck. "You're a...," she began trembling. Emersion smiled, "Emersion," he introduced, "Emersion Darkeast," Charline smiled weakly and looked up at him. "Charline," she introduced, "Charline Maralíel," Emersion looked at her and smiled softly and Charline walked past him. "Perhaps I should thank you for saving my life," she teased. Emersion smiled at her and shook his head gently. "It's my duty as a Demon Hunter to protect Shivanna from demons and demonic creatures," And Charline looked at her bleeding wound in her arm. Her golden red blood would expose her true identity if he saw it. She gently touched the wound that was already starting getting infected. "Ahh," she let out a silent cry of pain. Emersion walked over to her in concern. "My Lady Charline?," he asked worriedly and looked down and saw her wound. "You're injured," he stated, "Here, let me help you," Charline shook her head in protest. "No, it's fine," she explained and Emersion shook his head. "No, it's not. You need to get that treated. Here, let me help," Charline sighed and held out her arm. Emersion took out a cloth and dipped it into the water before gently starting to clean Charline's bleeding wound in her arm. It was then he noticed that her blood wasn't human and that she had a female hawk on the inner side of her wrist. He looked up at her gently but suspiciously. "You're no human," he observed, "That's a mark of the Gods," Charline looked up at him and sighed. "I am one of the four Stars sent here by the Gods," she revealed. Emersion looked at her and nodded. "I see. You're here to infiltrate me. You were looking for me," he stated. Charline shook her head. "I wasn't," she lied. Emersion smiled teasingly and used his magic to heal her wound. "For being a creation by the Gods, you're a terrible liar," he explained. Charline swallowed and looked down. "Now you're gonna kill me. Get it over with," she affirmed. "I am not going to kill you. I would never!," Emersion protested, "I am not my father!," And Charline swallowed and looked down. "Forgive me... I thought you were just like him. Dark and evil," she admitted. Emersion looked at her and sighed. "Do you have a home? Do you want me to help you get back there?," he asked gently. Charline smiled, "If you would be so kind,"

They entered Charline's castle in her realm and she showed him to the living hall where she served him tea and cookies. Emersion smiled smiled weakly at her. He had not been this close with a woman since Amara's betrayal. And he hadn't felt like this since a year now. This felt different then when he felt something for Amara. Charline glanced at him and Emersion smiled weakly. Charline took nervously deep breath. Emersion looked at her and softly stroked away a lock from her face. Charline turned to him and Emersion looked at her. "Are you scared of me?," he asked. Charline shook her head. "No, of course not," she lied. "Then why are you keeping such a distance from me?," Emersion asked suspiciously. Charline shrugged. "Because I am shy that's all," she lied. Emersion moved a little closer to her and stroked her hair. "Or is it because you are scared of me?," he asked and Charline turned to him. "Maybe a little," she admitted. Emersion smiled weakly, "You don't have to be. I would never hurt you," Charline glanced at him. Emersion sighed, "I should go," And he stood up. Charline looked up at him confused. "But will I see you again?," she asked worriedly. Emersion turned to her and smiled, "Maybe you will. Because I will long to see you again, My Lady," he explainedand kissed her hand and left.
Charline sighed deeply and gently stroked her arm. What was she doing? She was supposed to infiltrate him, not seduce him to fall in love with her. She cursed herself for it. She couldn't fall in love with him. She just couldn't!

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