Chapter 7:~Forbidden~

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When Charline woke up next day, she slowly opened her eyes and looked up towards Emersion who laid awake beside her, tenderly stroking her arm with his fingertips. He smiled at her gently. "Good morning, Vynithel," he said softly and gently kissed her on the lips. Charline smiled at the nickname. Vynithel was the word for Starlight/Moonlight. But it could also be translated as "My love" in Elvish/Leclitrish. Emersion was not going to care that Charline had from the beginning to infiltrated him. He loved her no less. Charline gently placed her hand on his neck and traced her fingertips on the black rune on his neck. "What does it mean?," she asked curiously. Emersion smiled softly. "That's my Block Rune. It's to help Demon Hunters fend of incoming blows. Although it's also handy in fierce conflicts and easily applied," he explained. Charline smiled weakly and placed her hand on the signs that were visible of a rune on his right shoulder. "And this?," she asked curiously. Emersion smiled at her. "That's my healing rune. Emeri as it's also called," he explained and he pulled her into a sweet gentle kiss. Charline smiled at him and leaned down against his chest to let him hold her. "I wished we could stay like this forever. Just you and me together," Charline said softly, "But I know that one day it will have to end," Emersion softly kissed her forehead and looked at her. "The other Stars thinks you're infiltrating me still. We can continue this in secret," he explained and Charline smiled weakly at him. "I... I don't know, Emersion," she sighed. Emersion looked at her with a smile. "Let's run away together. We can go somewhere where no one knows us," he explained, "Charline, I have the power to take us out of this world. Leave this universe. We can go wherever we want. We can go to the normal world," Charline sighed and shook her head sadly. "Emersion, I can't. No matter how much I want you, I cannot," she declared, "My duty is to the Gods and to the people of Shivanna," Emersion sighed and looked down. "I understand," he explained, "But I will never stop loving you,"

Charline sat in her meeting hall when Gideon entered her hall with a sigh. "Charline, I trust you," he began, "But your infiltration of Emersion Darkeast has began to worry me," Charline looked up at him in confusion and smiled. "Speak, my friend," she encouraged. Gideon sighed deeply and sat down beside her and looked at her in concern. "Are you in love with Emersion?," he asked, "I promise, I will not judge you if you say you are," Charline sighed and looked up at the wizard. "Gideon, I do love him," she admitted, "Please, do not tell anyone. Especially not Tarmac," Gideon sighed and looked down. "I promise I won't," he declared, "But I recommend you to end your relationship with him as soon as possible. If you do not, only Solania knows what will happen," Charline nodded and Gideon left.
Charline felt tears welling up in her eyes and she screamed out in anger and tears. How could she tell Emersion that they could never be?

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