Chapter 4:~A visit on the birthday~

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When Emersion woke up a few days later, Celine, Eiran and their daughter entered the room. Their daughter in Eiran's arms. "Alana woke us up early," Eiran smiled at Emersion. "Happy birthday," Celine smiled at Emersion and handed him a rectangular box. Emersion looked at her. "For me?," he asked confused. Celine smiled. "Of course, son," Eiran said and Emersion looked up at him and Celine swallowed. "Thank you, Eiran," Emersion said with a smile. "Now open it! I wanna see!," Alana exclaimed happily. Emersion smiled and opened the box and swallowed nervously as he laid eyes on the white demon blade with Demon Hunter rune inscriptions. Celine smiled. "Pick it up, young Demon Hunter," she smiled. Emersion swallowed nervously but picked up the blade. "It's beautiful," he smiled and stroked the blade when he accidentally cut himself in the hand. "Ah!," he said weakly. Celine smiled and took out his Eldstar she had given him on the first day when he had arrived. "Perhaps it's time you get your first rune," she smiled. She gently grabbed his arm and draw the healing rune (Emeri) on his shoulder. Emersion held in the burning pain and the looked down at his hand and the cut automatically healed once she finished drawing the rune. Emersion looked at the rune. Celine smiled. "Perhaps it's time you start getting some more runes now when you begin your Demon Hunter training," she explained and Emersion looked up at her and smiled.

Emersion entered the training ground and Blake walked over to him. "Happy birthday!," he greeted, "I heard you got your first Demon Blade," Emersion smiled and took out his Demon Blade. "Once you are a full filled Demon Hunter, you'll get to choose your own special weapon," And Emersion smiled. "Well, I am not a Demon Hunter yet," "But soon you are," Celine joined their conversation, "In two months, you will have gotten all the runes and training you need to be fulfilled Demon Hunter. But you'll have to wait some years before you are ready to get out on the field. Same for you too, Blake," Emersion smiled at her and Eiran came walking into the training ground with a smaller blade. "Come on, Emersion. Let's begin,"

Celine smiled as she watched Emersion training with husband and Samira showed up with her some year younger daughter Davina. Davina's brother Derek showed up his friends Tristan and Leo. Emersion looked aside and saw an illusion of his father staring at him angrily. Eiran took down his blade. "Emersion, what are you looking at?," he asked in concern. Emersion felt his sadness and grief rise into anger and hatred inside of him. "Everyone leave!," Samira ordered before walking over to Emersion. "Child, what's wrong?," she asked Emersion. Emersion put down his blade as tears started streaming down his cheeks. "Leave me alone," he mumbled hurtingly. "Emersion," Celine said. Emersion looked up at the illusion of his father and softly started to sing,

[Verse 1: Emersion]
Look at you, look at me
I don't know how to be, you, father
Is what I do wrong, or is it right?
Become evil in a night, father
Tell what I shall do

There was a silence for a while. Celine, Eiran and Samira had no idea of what Emersion was looking at or why he was singing out into nothing. Emersion looked at the illusion of his father and the illusion suddenly laughed wickedly and Emersion looked at him in fright and shock. "Oh, my dear son!," Hadrian said wickedly and laughed, "Don't be so sentimental!," His father snapped his fingers and waved for him to come closer and he continued to sing,

[Verse 2: Hadrian]
I was one like you, child,
slightly and insecure
Argued with my father too
When I thought I was mature
But then I put my heart aside
And I used my head
Now it's finally time you learn what, dear daddy has to say

[Chorus: Hadrian]
Don't you wanna be an evil like me?
Don't you wanna make me proud like your brother?
Don't you wanna make darkness your daily routine?
Well, you can spend your immortal life hunting, killing demons
But when you are a Dark One, you can do less by doing more

[Verse 3: Hadrian]
Don't you wanna be ruthless, cold and dark? Don't you be very, very good at being bad?
I have done my thousands years of immortal life
To do the darkest I can
Climbed my ways to victory
Built master plans
Now the time has come, my son
For you to take your place!
Promise me you'll try to be
A terrible disgrace

[Chorus 2: Hadrian]
Don't you wanna be an evil like me?
Don't you wanna make me proud by being dark and cruel?
And when you accept your dark self, that's when your reign begins
Who doesn't want an evil wizard in every Age of Shivanna?
Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone
Don't you wanna destroy every light in this world?

[Bridge: Hadrian]
This not time for us to fall
This is the beginning of anew
You, I and your brother shall rule together
Our freedom soon is set
Lord of The Universe, powerful and unstoppable
Son, hear me
Help me, join me
Don't you wanna sing along?

[Chorus: Both, Hadrian, Emersion]
Now we're gonna be evil, it's true
We are never gonna change
And we're gonna be spiteful
Spiteful, that's nice
In just a few days
Our future's safe and sure
This father, sons act is going out on a travel
If you wanna be evil, and awful, and free
Then you shall thank your lucky star
You were born the boy you are
The Daughter of an evil wizard
Like me

"Emersion?," Celine said, "My child, wake up," Emersion opened his eyes and realised he was laying in a bed in the infirmary. "Celine?," he asked confused and sat up in the bed. "What happened?," he asked weakly. "You collapsed and lost control of your powers," Eiran explained. Emersion sat up properly and sighed. "Careful," Samira said, "You need rest," And Emersion sighed and looked down. "I saw him," he mumbled, "I saw my father. I sang with him," "It was just an illusion, child," Samira explained, "You'll be on your feet in an hour once your strength has returned," Emersion sighed and looked down sadly. He wondered if it had really been an illusion or his father's magic that was playing with his mind?

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