Chapter 3:~Feelings~

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Charline smiled weakly as she sat down on her place at the council meeting. "Charline, how has your infiltration of Emersion been going?," Tarmac asked. Charline swallowed nervously and looked up at them. "I think he is starting to fall for me," she admitted. Gideon looked at her confused. "That is good news," Tarmac said, "But be careful, Charline. Remember what I said. The Dark Ones are manipulators. They only focus on what they want and not what the other wants. You were given the gift to have children but... The Gods does not want the father to be a half Demon. It is forbidden," And Charline swallowed and nodded. "I know and I understand,"

That night, Charline couldn't sleep. Her dreams took her away to Emersion and the thoughts of him begin by her side made her skin crawl and burn. What was she thinking? How many times did she have to tell herself that she couldn't be with him. She was only to do her duty and infiltrate him to find out as much about his father and she could. She thought about what Tarmac had told her. But Emersion didn't seem to be wanting something from her. He more seemed to be in love with her or something and she cursed herself for feeling the same spark inside of her.

Emersion laid in his bed, thinking. He wanted to see Charline. To talk to her. To tell him what he was starting to feel.
When he next day entered the great hall, Aldon walked over to him. "What's wrong?," he asked suspiciously. "What? Nothing," Emersion lied. Aldon looked at him suspiciously. "Come on," he said, "It's something," he declared, "We're connected. Our feelings and souls are connected. What you feel, I feel. And I can tell there's something wrong," And Emersion sighed and looked down. "I've met someone," he declared quietly. Aldon gasped interestingly. "I knew it!," he exclaimed, "Who is she?," he asked. Emersion sighed and looked down. "It's just that," he sighed, "She is The Star, Charline," Aldon smiled softly, "Emersion, if she loves you and you love her, you should go to her. Tell her how you feel. Be with her," And Emersion looked at him sighed. "What about father?," he asked worriedly. Aldon smiled, "Don't worry. I take care of that. Now go," Emersion smiled weakly at him. "Thank you, brother," And they hugged and Emersion left.

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