Chapter 9:~Betrayal~

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"Emersion! Look!," Amara exclaimed as she took out fire in her hand. Emersion smiled and shook his head in amusement. "Amara, we are on mission! Focus!," And he drew his demon sword. Amara looked at him interestingly and confused. "Why do you always look so miserable? Have you ever been in love?," she asked curiously. Emersion shook his head. "No, I've never been in love," he admitted, "I've been a Demon Hunter ever since I was ten years old. Got my first Demon Rune, The Demon Power Rune when I was eleven. Remember, we're Demon Hunters. Feelings clouds judgement," And Amara shook her head, "I don't believe that. I think emotions give us power. Come on, you agreed to learn me magic not this!," And Emersion smiled softly at her, "Patience, young sorceress. We shall soon begin,"

Amara focused and took out fire in her hand. Emersion smiled proudly. "You're getting better. Just remember, never let the power overtake you. You must be the leader or you can end up becoming evil," And Amara nodded.

A few days later, Emersion woke up to yelling and screaming of other Demon Hunters in the middle of the night. He quickly got out of the bed and got dressed, grabbing his demon sword and hurried out of his chambers.
He came out to see Amara standing among dead Demon Hunters and one alive which she was holding his heart in her hand. "Amara, what have you done?," Emersion asked shocked. Amara looked at him. "I'm sorry, Emersion. You didn't tell what it felt to be so strong, Emersion. To have such power like you. I drank from the Demon Well. And now, I am a child of Adrienne too," Emersion swallowed and shook his head, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're holding a man's heart in your hand," he began, "Please, spare him," And Amara looked at him angrily, "He doesn't deserve sparing!," And Emersion shook his head, "But if you kill, you're magic will turn dark," And Amara looked at him, "Adrienne and her demons took my home and my family! He deserves this! I lost everything because of her!," And Emersion sighed, "But if you do this, then we have lost everything," And Amara crushed the Demon Hunter's heart. "NO!," Emersion exclaimed and Amara watched her clothes slowly turn dark and Emersion fell to his knees. "I'm sorry," Amara whispered. Emersion shook his head, "No, Amara. I am sorry," Amara looked down at Emersion who had fallen to his knees and she disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke.

Blake suddenly came running with his bow and his quiver on his back, his Demon Blade in hand. He gasped in shock as he saw the dead bodies and he glanced down at Emersion who sat on his knees, crying. He slowly walked over to his friend. "What happened?," he asked carefully. Emersion shook his head and looked down. "Amara, she betrayed me. She did this. I couldn't stop her," Blake knelt down by his friend and hugged Emersion tightly.

The remaining Demon Hunters slowly watched the funeral ceremony for their dead be carried out and Celine soothingly stroked Emersion's back. "This is not your fault," she explained, "You couldn't know. And the Demon Clave agrees that this wasn't your fault either," Emersion looked at her and shook his head. "I've failed, mother. I've failed you all," he cried. "No! You have not!," Alana protested, now in her adulthood. Emersion shook his head and left and walked back to his adoptive parents house.

Meanwhile, the four Stars arrived to Shivanna and it was now the last year of the First Age. They had been sent by the Gods of Solania to help the people to fight The Dark Ones and now they would decide which one to infiltrate.

Cirma (Charline) looked around at the harbour as the four she and the other three Stars stepped onto the land of Shivanna along with the other three Stars. Gallon (Gideon), Tarmac, and Eldaram. Gallon looked at Charline and the other two wizards. "Is this where we part?," he asked. Cirma looked at the other three Stars but didn't say anything. "I think we shall start infiltrate Hadrian and go to find the elves," Tarmac explained, "The people of Shivanna will need all help they can get to fight the Dark Ones," The other wizards nodded. "Cirma?," Tarmac asked. Cirma had her own plans in mind. She had heard that Hadrian had two sons, Aldon and Emersion. She would go to infiltrate Emersion instead. "Cirma?," Gallon asked, "What is your suggestion?," Charline looked at them and sighed. "Hadrian has two sons. I have decided to go and infiltrate his youngest son, Emersion," The other stars looked at each other before nodding in agreement. "Just be careful, Charline," Tarmac warned, "The Dark Ones are not to be played with," The four Stars departed on different paths of Shivanna. Charline and Tarmac paying most attentions to the Telight.

The elves named Gallon, "Milidon, meaning Stormcrow in common tongue which he would come to be known by the elves, Leclitras and the dwarves. The humans naming him Gideon.
Cirma was named Irithel by the elves, Leclitras and the dwarves. Irithel meaning The White Lady or Lady of The Snow. She was named Charline by the humans. Tarmac was named Cadarain, meaning Wise One in Leclitrish and elvish language.

Emersion took out a small bag and immediately started packing the things he would need the most now when he was leaving, giving up of being a Demon Hunter. And besides, he wanted to go out and see other places of Shivanna that he haven't been too before. Celine entered her son's chambers to find Emersion packing. She looked at him sadly. "You're leaving? But where will you go?," she asked confused and saddened. Emersion looked up at her and sighed. "I do not know," he admitted, "But this isn't my home anymore," "Yes! It is!," Celine protested and walked over to him. "It's your home," she protested, "You belong with us. We're your family. You're my son," And Emersion smiled weakly at her. "And you are my mother," he finished, "But this isn't my home anymore. I want to see more of the world. And I haven't seen my brother in years," Celine sighed and handed him his Eldstar. "Promise me you'll be careful," she asked, "I cannot imagine what would happen if Eiran and I lost you," Emersion smiled weakly and put down his Eldstar. "I promise, mother," he declared, "I'll be careful," And Celine hugged him tightly.

Next day, Emersion walked out of the house together with his family and Alana walked over to her brother. "It's gonna get lonely without you around, brother," she began, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Promise me I'll see you again. Promise me you'll come back," she said. Emersion hugged her tightly. "I promise," he whispered. He took a silver necklace with a sapphire and put it on around his neck. Alana smiled, "A sapphire. Good choice. It suits you," Emersion smiled weakly and hugged his adoptive parents before leaving The Demon Hunters Western Base, setting off into the unknown lands of Shivanna.

Charline smiled as she established finished her realm with her castle and her new followers. All she now needed was to find Emersion Darkeast.

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