Chapter 5:~Desire and love~

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Emersion sat in his chambers in his father's nest. He felt a longing to see Charline once again. He stood up from his bed and walked over and grabbed his Demon Sword and knife before leaving his chambers before sneaking out of his father's nest.

Charline sat at the Good Council created by the wizards and Silvianna. Tarmac sat down in his seat and looked at the wizards and the elf Silvianna. "I fear we do not have any successes with the infiltrations of The Dark Ones," Gideon sighed and turned towards Charline. "Charline, have you had any success? Have he told you anything?," he asked. Charline sighed and looked up at them. "Charline?," Eldaram asked. Charline sighed and looked up at the wizards. "Emersion is clearly in love with me, and he will do everything to be with me," she explained. Gideon looked at her suspiciously. "And are you starting to fall in love with him?," he asked suspicious. Charline shook her head in protest. "Of course not," she lied. Gideon sighed and nodded.

Charline was so revealed once she arrived back to her castle in the north. Her Kingdom laid just two days from Lustillia while Nímara laid a little more than two weeks from it.
She walked into the castle garden and looked at the beautiful flowers when Emersion showed up. She smiled and Emersion went over to her. Charline threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly and Emersion kissed her deeply on the lips and put his arms around her waist. "Emersion, I love you," she whispered softly against his neck. "I love you too," Emersion whispered softly back.

Emersion laid in Charline's big four poster bed with Charline in his arms with her head laying against his clothed chest. He softly stroked her dark brown hair and softly kissed her forehead. "I wish we could be closer," Emersion said softly. Charline looked up at him and laid her arm over his stomach. "What do you mean? Aren't we close enough?," she asked softly but tiredly. Emersion looked down at her and stroked her hair. "You know what I mean," he sighed softly, "I mean more intimate with each other. I would give anything to be with you forever and to marry, to have a child with you," Charline sighed deeply and looked up at him sadly, holding back her tears. "I wish that too," she said gently, "So much. But we can't. You know we can't. You know I can't," Emersion turned to her and hugged her tightly. "Why? Why is it that holding you back if you love me as you say you do?," he asked worriedly. Charline sighed and looked up at him. "It's my duty to the Gods. If I were to have your child, I would disgrace the special gift they gave me. To have a children," she explained and Emersion sighed and softly kissed her forehead. "I will love you forever and I will fight every day for a future with you," he whispered. Charline leaned down against his chest and closed her eyes. She soon fell asleep to the sound of his calm breathing and his gentle strokes of her arm with his fingertips. Emersion looked down at her and softly kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, my love," he whispered softly.

Next day, Charline woke up to an empty bed and she slowly sat up confused. "Emersion?," she asked. She then noticed the note on her nightstand and she took it into her hands and gently unfolded it and read it.

My love, Charline
I am sorry I had to leave early this morning. I needed to get back to my father's nest before he realises I'm gone. But I will come by tomorrow night to see you. I will long to hold you in my arms again.
Yours, Emersion

Charline felt tears welling up in her eyes and she was awoken from her thoughts by someone knocking on the doors to her chambers. "My Lady, a message has arrived from Lustillia. Dior is demanding a meeting with the Good Council in two days," a guard announced. "I will be right out!," Charline yelled back. 'Why did the Telight demand a meeting now?' she thought, 'Strange,'

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