Chapter 1:~Demon Hunter~

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"Mother?," The young Emersion called out as he walked through the dark corridors of his father's castle. "Emersion!," His mother's fearful voice called out. Emersion fallowed his mother's voice to his parents chambers. The doors were opened. He saw his father standing in front of his mother in their chambers. "Mother, father?," Nine year old Emersion asked. "Emersion! Go! Leave now!," His mother exclaimed but Hadrian closed and locked the doors to the chambers with his magic. Emersion swallowed. "Hadrian, please," His mother begged, "Don't," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "You betrayed me but gave me two beautiful sons. I will see your death will be slow and painful," "NO!," Emersion exclaimed, "Father!," And his father ripped his mother's heart out. His mother looked at him weakly, "I love you, Emersion, my son. Never forget that," And Emersion swallowed and his father crushed his mother's heart into dust and his mother fell to the floor dead. "MOTHER!," Emersion cried, running over to his mother, "Mother, please, don't leave me," And Hadrian smiled wickedly and left the chambers.
"Mother!," Emersion cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Nine year old Emersion woke up and sat up in the bed quickly, shaking, tears streaming down his cheeks. Three months had passed now. Three months had passed since his father killed his and his brother's mother in front of him. The darkness was harder to deal with for everyday that passed. He just wanted his father to love him. Just to get the attention his older brother got would mean the whole world to him though he knew it would never happen. He just needed to make his father proud but he couldn't... He couldn't be evil like his brother and father. He was too weak. To weak to earn his father's love and respect. He cursed himself for it. The young boy looked aside towards his water glass that had started bubbling because of his sadness and anger through his powers reactions to his emotions. His father had learned him to control his magic. But from a very young age and he should be able to control it himself by now. He laid down in the bed and sighed deeply.

When he woke up next day, he heard his father speaking to one of his closest men.
"It is time that Emersion embraces his true powers. His Demon Hunter abilities will starting to show eventually," he heard his father's closest man Ian say. 'Demon Hunter abilities?,' Emersion thought confused, 'Of course that was the explanation to the facts that he couldn't and weren't like his father and older brother,' "What am I supposed to do, Ian!?," Hadrian snapped, "I cannot teach him how to embrace his powers. His magic I could because he is a Dark One, he was born a Dark One like me," "But he was also born as a full Demon Hunter," Ian declared, "There's only one option. You'll have to send him to The Demon Hunters. The boy just watched you kill his mother. I don't think this is best place for him right now. He doesn't belong with you and his brother. I know a Demon Hunter family who would gladly take him in and The Demon Hunters are loyal to The Dark Ones. Demona is Adrienne's sister/daughter after all. He must leave,"

Emersion felt tears welling up in his eyes. His father was going to send him away. His father was disappointed in him. He got out of his bed and put on his dark blue and black adventure clothes and opened the big door to his chambers. "You're going to send me away, father?," he asked anxiously. Hadrian sighed and looked at his youngest son. Ian turned to the young wizard and Demon Hunter and squatted down in front of him. "You do not belong here, Emersion," he declared, "You belong with your own kind," "But father is my own kind," Emersion protested, "I'm a Dark One just like him and Aldon," Ian sighed and looked up at him. "Not quite," he declared, "As you well heard from our conversation, you are also a child of Adrienne. You are a Demon Hunter and you need to be with your own kind. They can help you embrace your true power," And Emersion shook his head, "But I don't want to leave!," he protested. "You are and you will!," Hadrian declared firmly, "By the time I send a message to the Demon Hunter family who's gonna take you in, you will leave. And do not dare to defy me or I promise son, things is not going to go well for you. So start packing!," Emersion swallowed and looked up at his father angrily. "I hate you!," he exclaimed and hurried back into his chambers and slammed the door behind him. "He'll get over it," Hadrian said as he looked at Ian who sighed deeply. "I fear not," he explained and Hadrian snorted. "See so he is ready to leave," he declared and left down the hall.

Emersion screamed out in anger. His hands crackling of his magic. His father hated him! His father hated him! He soon fell into his bed, crying. Demon Hunter. He was a Demon Hunter. What of this family he was to be sent to. Would they even like him? What if they would hate him because of who is father is? And Aldon. Would he ever see his brother again? He sat up quickly when Ian entered his room. Emersion wiped his tears and Ian clapped his shoulder supportingly. "Everything is going to be fine, Emeritus," he explained. Emersion looked at him confused. "That's not my name," he whispered quietly. "Yes, it is the name you have been given by the elves and fairies," Ian explained. "I don't want to leave," Emersion said weakly, "I don't want to leave my brother," And Ian turned to him. "I promise, you will be able to communicate with your father and brother through letters," he declared. Emersion looked at him. "You sure?," he asked. Ian smiled, "I am sure,"

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