Chapter 2:~New family~

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Celine Eastlight sat in her office in The Demon Hunters Western base when her husband Eiran entered the office. "Celine, I've got a message from the Dark One Hadrian," he announced. Celine looked up at her husband in confusion. "What does it say? What does he want?," she asked confused. Eiran sighed and looked down. "He wants to send his son Emersion to our care. He says got permission from Adrienne to give him her blood. He is a Demon Hunter and his father wants him gone," Celine sighed and looked down. "Poor child. Of course we'll take him in," she explained, "Haven't you heard? Hadrian recently killed his wife. I fear his son has been through much more than being thrown out by his father," Eiran nodded and sighed. "Then I'll send a message back to him that we accept his request and Emersion will be here in a few days," he explained, "I think our daughter will think it will be fun to have an older brother," And Celine smiled.

Emersion walked with Ian through the woods. It had been a few days now since they had left The Dark Lands and Emersion hadn't said anything on the whole journey. They came into a clearing and Ian stopped when they reached a great mansion. "So Emersion. Here is where we will part," he declared. Emersion looked up at him confused. "You're just gonna leave me here alone?," he asked worriedly. Ian smiled and put down Emersion's bag. "Don't worry, young wizard. Your new family is soon coming to get you," And he left, leaving Emersion alone. Emersion felt tears starting streaming down his cheek and he pulled his knees close to his chest and leaned his forehead against his kneecaps and cried, his powers slowly reacting to his emotions.

Emersion sat in the grass alone, fiddling with a grass straw when he suddenly heard footsteps. He looked up and saw a woman with dark black hair and green eyes. Beside her stood a man with dark short brown hair and brown eyes. He had a young three-four year old girl with dark brown/black hair and brown eyes in his arms. "You must be Emersion," Celine smiled, "I am Celine. Your new adoptive mother," Emersion looked up at the woman in fear. "Don't come any closer!," he cried, "Just stay away!," Celine looked up at her husband and then Emersion who looked at her with fear in his eyes. Celine could tell that the young nine/ten year old boy was clearly frightened of them. "My dear child," Eiran said. Celine squatted down a bit away before Emersion and held out her hand to him. "Emersion, you have nothing to be afraid of," she assured, "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to care for you," Emersion swallowed in fear and looked down. "I don't want to hurt you. I just can't control it," he sobbed. Celine smiled weakly at him. "It's alright, child. We are here for you now. Come, take my hand," she said gently, "You won't hurt me. I promise you that," Emersion slowly walked over to her and shakily took her hand and he looked at her, crying but in relief as he realised that his magic wasn't crackling anymore. Eiran walked over to Emersion and sat down with their daughter in his lap. "Welcome to our family, Emersion," he smiled and Emersion smiled weakly. Celine reached out to pull Emersion into a hug, but he immediately yanked away her touch and shook his head in both fear and uncertainty. Eiran looked at Emersion and handed Celine their daughter before grabbing Emersion's bag. "Are you hungry, Emersion?," Celine asked and Emersion nodded and fallowed his new adoptive parents into their mansion that lay in the hidden town of The Demon Hunters western base.

Celine looked at the young Demon Hunter and smiled, but Emersion's silence still concerned her. But she also understood that he had been through much pain in the hands of his father, and he had just recently seen his own father killing his own mother. But Eiran looked at Emersion and sighed in concern. "Child, are you afraid of speaking to us?," he asked, "We do not want to pressure you, but you do understand that we are here for you now and no harm will come to you. We promised you that," Emersion looked up at him and swallowed fearfully. "I haven't been offered kindness like this before," he said quietly, "My father never cared to even ask me how I was feeling even when my mother lived," Celine felt her heart break and she tried to place her hand on his arm but Emersion immediately pulled away. She noticed that Emersion's water glass started bubbling and she understood it was his fear that was reacting to his powers. "Emersion, calm down. It's okay. You're safe," Celine spoke softly and Emersion looked up at her anxiously. "I am sorry," he whispered quietly, "I just don't understand why you are being so kind to me," "We are being kind because you are our son now and I am never cruel to my children," Celine declared gently, "Are you finished and I can show you to your chambers and we can pack up your stuff. Tomorrow, we are going to show you around and you shall meet the head of The Demon Hunters Western base and maybe by the end of this week, you'll get your first rune," And Emersion swallowed but nodded.

Celine opened the big wooden door to Emersion's new chambers and Emersion stepped into the room. There was a great bed in the middle of the room with silk covers and pillows and a wooden nightstand by the right side of the bed. On the wall opposite the bed stood a white desk and a dark wooded wardrobe. And across the room were two white double doors leading out to a middle big balcony. "This is my room?," Emersion asked amazed. Celine smiled brightly at his words. "Do you like it?," she asked kindly. Emersion looked up at her. "I love it but... Is this all mine?," he asked confused. "Of course it is. You're a part of the family," Celine declared, "Now, let's unpack your stuff,"

After dinner, Emersion sat alone in his chambers, fiddling with the Eldstar he had been given at dinner. He had put on his silver nightclothes but Celine had promised he was to be given new clothes too. Why was this family being so kind to him? Did he really deserve their love and kindness? He sighed and put away the Eldstar on his nightstand when there was suddenly a knock on the door. "Come in," he said quietly. Celine carefully entered the chambers and walked over to his bed. "I thought you might wanted some water by the bed. It's pretty warm in here and outside," Emersion looked up at her shyly. "Thank you," he mumbled. Celine smiled and held out her hands but Emersion immediately pulled away when she tried to hug him Goodnight. "Emersion," she said saddened, "Why are you so scared of me?," Emersion didn't answer and Celine sighed. "At least let me tuck you in," she begged softly. She smiled when Emersion agreed to let her tuck him into bed and she gently put the warm covers over him. "Emersion, can you tell me when your birthday is?," she asked softly. Emersion swallowed hesitantly. "Elven of June," he answered quietly. Celine smiled. That was very soon. In just a few days actually. "Goodnight, young Demon Hunter," she smiled before leaving the chambers, closing the doors behind her. Emersion closed his eyes and soon fell asleep in his new soft bed.

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