Chapter 7:~The Bounded Sibling ritual~

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Emersion and Aldon faced each other in the training ground and Emersion and Aldon grabbed each other in each other's right arm and Emersion looked at his brother and began the oath, "Entreat me not to leave you, or returning from fallowing after you," he began. "For where you will go, I will go," Aldon continued, "And when you are trapped, I will be there to help you out," Emersion smiled at his brother and continued, "And where you will die, a part of me will die," Aldon looked up at him and smiled. "And there I will always remember you as we will always for eternity be bound," Emersion smiled as he saw a rune appearing on the side lower side of his stomach and the same happened with Aldon. Celine smiled at the two. Emersion was getting more runes every day and now he was finally ready to be out on the field. Almost ready. There was one thing left. It was time for Emersion to choose his personal signature weapon.

Next day, Emersion fallowed Eiran, Celine and Davina into the weapon room. "What is this?," he asked confused. Celine smiled at his question and Davina smiled. "Now when you're a full filled Demon Hunter, it's time for you to choose your signature weapon," she explained, "Like I have my whip, Blake has his bow. Now it's your turn," And she opened the weapon pile. Emersion swallowed and looked shocked at all the weapons. "How do I choose?," he asked confused. "Fallow your gut," Davina explained and Celine nodded for Emersion to go on. Emersion looked among all the weapons when his eyes landed on the silvery Demon Sword that hung on the wall and a middle big Demon knife that hung above the swords. Celine and Eiran smiled as Emersion picked the Demon sword and the knife. "A Demon Sword and a Altira (A little bigger Demon Knife)," Davina smiled. "I don't know why," Emersion whispered. "It suits your fighting style. You're very good in combat and with swords," Davina explained. Emersion looked at her and smiled.

Emersion laid in bed, not able to sleep. There was something that was disturbing him. Maybe he was just nervous for his first Demon hunt.

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