Chapter 4:~All endings comes~

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Charline sat in the dining hall, looking at some letters, one from Westrose, one from Nímara and one of The Dragons Kingdom, and one from The Leclitra realm. Ever since Talindra's coronation, she had heard the call of the sea. She was growing weaker and weaker every day. But luckily it was not yet noticeable for Emersion to see. Unfortunately, her power was fading and she knew her duty to Shivanna was now over. The time of new generations of magicians, Demon Hunters, elves, dwarves, humans and fairies were approaching. A new age that she was not meant to play part in, but her and Emersion's children were. She could not tell Emersion. She did not yet know if he was allowed to come with her to Elornia. She didn't want to think of leaving him for eternity in Shivanna. Aldon entered the hall. Aldon was now a long fulfilled Demon Hunter like his father and was not spending so much time in his mother's realm anymore. "Mother?," Aldon asked gently. His expression changed as he saw the state his mother was in. "Mother, you're sick!," he exclaimed worriedly. Charline shook her head and looked down. "I'm not sick, my son. I am merely very tired," she explained and she carefully stood up and supported herself with her hands against the table and took a deep breath. Aldon could see that his mother's magical aura had faded greatly and he swallowed. "Mother, you're fading! Your power is leaving you!," he exclaimed, "Have you told father! If you don't sail soon, you'll die!," And Charline looked up at her son. "Aldon, I cannot leave Shivanna without your father. There may be no sorrow in Elornia, but there is still memory," she stated, "I cannot leave until I know your father can come with me," And Aldon swallowed and looked up at his mother, tears welling up in his eyes. "Even if it means you'll die here?," he asked anxiously. "Even if it means I die here," Charline answered weakly. And she turned to leave the hall. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to mine and your father's chambers to get some rest," she said before leaving the hall, leaving Aldon left standing, tears streaming down his cheeks. He needed to tell his father before his mother actually passed away because of her refusing of leaving Shivanna.

Shaylee looked up at her brother with tears in her eyes after Aldon had just told her of their mother's weakened state. "We have to tell, father," Shaylee said, "Mother cannot survive in Shivanna for long. Not with her power slipping away so fast," And Aldon sighed and nodded sadly. "But father is not in this realm," he declared. Shaylee looked up at him and sighed. "Then we have to travel to Nímara and get him home," she explained.

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