Chapter 8:~The Apprentice~

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Many years later, Emersion had now gotten all Demon Runes and was hunting Demons together with Tristan and his friends along with Blake and Alana. His relationship with Aldon had changed and they stood each other very close despite the long distance between them.
Emersion walked towards the The Demon Hunter Lake when he noticed a woman with dark black hair and green eyes sitting by the lake. The woman looked up at him and smiled. "You must be, Emersion," she said in relief. Emersion looked at her in worry and confusion. "Can I help you?," he asked. The woman walked over to him and looked up at him nervously. "I heard you had magic," she began, "I do too... And I was wondering if you could teach me?," Emersion looked at her with a smile. "But of course I can teach you," he declared, "What's your name?," The woman smiled, "Amara. My name is Amara,"

Next day, Emersion began to teach Amara magic and she was actually pretty good and that almost seemed suspicious. She wasn't supposed to be this good in controlling her powers but he thought she maybe was a natural talent. Celine watched the couple from afar. She was happy that Emersion had found someone that he wanted to be together with and perhaps this could go to be more than friendship.

Emersion entered his father's office and Eiran looked up at him with a smile. "Emersion," he began, "I am glad you came," Since some year back, Celine and Eiran had been the head of the Demon Hunters Western base and now the duty would soon start falling on their children. Emersion being the oldest despite that he was adopted was first in line. "Emersion, we will be gone for a few days," Eiran began, "That means we will leave you in the hands of the Base and we expect that you shall manage this as you are the greatest and best of all the Demon Hunters of this area," Emersion smiled, "I will make you proud, father," Eiran walked over to him and clapped his left shoulder. "Of that I have no doubt," he smiled, "And good luck with your apprentice, Amara," And Emersion smiled, "Thank you, father," And he left the office.
Now after their leaving tomorrow, the real work Emersion would begin.

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