Introduction Chapter-

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Hello Mina~
Oh my gosh! I've been wanting to make a modern love story between these two sweeties~ I just can't stand the thought of Sasuke- in a suit!!! Too cute, not to mention Naruto-!!!!

This is just the intro chapter, please don't skip it!!!

BTW the picture is a picture of Little Menma (who looks exactly like what their love child would look like) pulling on Naruto's and Sasuke's ties~❤❤❤

(WarningI do not own Naruto)

//Small intro chapter//

"Honey- dinner is ready, come down when your ready Sasuke dear" the voice rang from downstairs in the kitchen. The smell of homemade roasted chicken filled the house.

Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke, sat in his study printing out the final contract form for the new Akatsuki company. He had finally finished it in time- a success! He gently placed the sheet in a protector, then in his black leather case with a sealed lock-in code. 03-20-13. His pass code was the date of his marriage.

Two years happily married with his wife Sakura. They had a daughter named Sasura Uchiha. His little angel, that no man could ever touch. He loved them both dearly- but somehow...felt sorrow at moments- it wouldn't last very long...yet his heart would sometimes ache in longing.
He looked at a picture they took a year ago for Sasura's 1st birthday. They had gone to visit his parents up in the higher region mountains. They basically owned everything there. The Uchiha's were wealthy high class citizens of anywhere they lived.

Sasuke rarely visited them- yet his daughter's birthday was an exception. They had to see his beloved treasure. Unfortunately Itachi- the eldest brother of the two Uchiha's, was out on business somewhere in America.

Sasuke stood up from his study and walked down to his family. They sat down laughing and giggling. "Daddy! Daddy! Is it true that when you were little you would sometim-" Sakura put a hand over little Sasura's mouth and giggled. "What we mean is- enjoy dinner honey" she said sweetly.

Sasuke chuckled lightly and began eating dinner. The feeling of sorrow suddenly kicked in as he watched Sasura and Sakura laughing. It hurt in the depts of his heart- then faded, like a butterfly flying away. He continued to smile and eat 'happily'.

//end of intro chapter!!! Real first chapter is next!!!//

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